[Insight-users] Transfering Result of a vtkLandmarkTransform to a ITK-transformer

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Sun Aug 5 11:29:24 EDT 2007

Hi Matthias,

 > But I still haven't found any specification of the coordinate system
 > used in the ITK...

That's because you have not looked at the right place  :-)

Please read the ITK Software Guide.


In particular the "Data Representation" Chapter
and its "Image" Section.

You will find a detailed description of the
coordinate system used by ITK images.

It is indeed "right-handed" (the 3D version).

Note that ITK was designed for supporting N-D,

The notion of right-hand orientation is only
applicable to 3D.



Matthias Riechmann wrote:
> Sorry mate, I must have mixed it up. left-right right-left... Such a 
> small thing makes a big difference. Of course you are right, VTK uses a 
> right handed coordinate system.
> But I still haven't found any specification of the coordinate system 
> used in the ITK...
> Matthias
> Nithiananthan, Sajendra schrieb:
>> Matthias,
>> This might be a silly question on my part, but I run into this a lot 
>> in my
>> work and was hoping you could clarify why you think VTK uses a 
>> left-handed
>> coordinate system.  The documentation of the transform:
>> http://vtk.org/doc/nightly/html/classvtkTransform.html
>> states explicitly "This class performs all of its operations in a right
>> handed coordinate system with right handed rotations. Some other graphics
>> libraries use left handed coordinate systems and rotations."
>> As I said, I run into coordinate system problems a lot, and I am 
>> relatively
>> new to VTK/ITK, so if you could clarify your remark for me, that would be
>> very much appreciated.
>> Thank you,
>> Sajendra N.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Matthias Riechmann
>> By the way: ITK uses a left-handed coordinate system like VTK, doesn't 
>> it?
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