[Insight-users] Re: Seamless VTK-ITK pipeline connection

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Sat Aug 18 16:06:11 EDT 2007

Hi Mutanga,

You are providing a filename that *IS NOT* in the same directory
that you are passing to SetDirectory().

What the reader is telling you now is that you don't have any
DICOM files in the directory:

     "C:/Documents and Settings/592780/Desktop/ct1/"

The way you should use this class is by passing the directory
*and* passing one of the filenames from that same directory
that you want to read.

So, instead of doing:

reader->SetDirectory("C:/Documents and Settings/592780/Desktop/ct1/");

You should do something like:


This is, arguably, redundant.

Since you can actually get the directory
from the filename by doing:

   reader->SetFileName( filename );

   std::string directoryName =
   vtksys::SystemTools::GetFilenamePath( filename );

   reader->SetDirectory( directoryName );

Please give it a try with the method above
and let us know if you still have any problem.



Mutanga Theodore wrote:
> Greetings
> I am still writing about the problem of VTK ITK connection.
> I followed the method you suggested,
>   void SetDirectory( const std::string & directory );
>   void ReadImageSeries();
> But each time I try to read some dicom files ( by specifying first a
> filename and then a directory) I get an error that no series were found. I
> know I can use other tools to load the dicom series in that directory.
> for example I made a tool goind through the typedef method followed by ITK
> export and VTK import and I can read the Dicom slices.
> Here is a sample of the code using the seamles connection method:
> ========================
> void vtkKWMyWindow::OpenCT()
> {
>   vtkKWImageIO * reader = vtkKWImageIO::New();
>   reader->SetDirectory("C:/Documents and Settings/592780/Desktop/ct1/");
>   reader->SetFileName(
> "D:/MATLAB/R2006a/work/TPS-RPM/results/061179/ct1/"
> );
>    //reader->ReadImage();
>   reader->ReadImageSeries();
>   vtkKWImage *kwImage = reader->HarvestReadImage();
>   vtkImageData *vtkImage = kwImage->GetVTKImage();
>   this->ImageViewer->SetRenderWindow(this->RenderWidget->GetRenderWindow());
>   this->ImageViewer->SetRenderer(this->RenderWidget->GetRenderer());
>   this->ImageViewer->SetInput(vtkImage);
>   this->ImageViewer->SetupInteractor(this->RenderWidget->GetRenderWindow()->GetInteractor());
>   this->RenderWidget->ResetCamera();
> }
> =========================================================================
> With the above code I can read just one slice using ReadImage but when I
> use ReadImageSeries, I always get the error :
> WARNING: In ..\..\..\Code\IO\itkGDCMSeriesFileNames.cxx, line 137
> GDCMSeriesFileNames (0FA7D928): No Series were found
> My question is do you have a working sample of using this new class ? I
> will be easier if you can send me something I can modify. I really like
> the method of using your class to read images.
> Thanks
> theodore

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