[Insight-users] Re: volview plugin DLL post-build error

mrcheung at mdanderson.org mrcheung at mdanderson.org
Wed Dec 5 11:37:53 EST 2007


I deleted the cache for Volview_Binary_Dir. And changed the entry to
C:/Program files/Volview20 (I verified this is where volview.exe is). I
repeated the build. The result was creation of a Debug folder as in C:
\Insight2\InsightApplications-VSNET\VolviewPlugIns/Debug. The same error
occured and a DLL was created. I manually deleted the sigmoid transform DLL
in the Volview20/Plugins and verified that the filter is gone when I run
the Volview. Then I manually copied the DLL from the Debug file to the
Volview20/Plugins. Volview cannot see the plugin.

I posted the Build Log below.


 Build Log                                                                  

     ------- Build started: Project: vvITKSigmoid, Configuration: Debug|Win32 -------                               

 Command Lines                                                              

     Creating temporary file "c:                                                                     
     \Insight2\InsightApplications-VSNET\VolviewPlugIns\Debug\RSP000001.rsp" with contents           
     /Od /I "C:\Insight2\Insight-VC++\Utilities\vxl\core" /I "C:                                     
     \Insight2\Insight-VC++\Utilities\vxl\vcl" /I "C:\Insight2\Insight\Utilities\vxl\core" /I "C:    
     \Insight2\Insight\Utilities\vxl\vcl" /I "C:\Insight2\Insight\Utilities" /I "C:                  
     \Insight2\Insight-VC++\Utilities" /I "C:\Insight2\Insight-VC++\Utilities\gdcm" /I "C:           
     \Insight2\Insight\Utilities\nifti\znzlib" /I "C:\Insight2\Insight\Utilities\nifti\niftilib" /I  
     "C:\Insight2\Insight\Utilities\expat" /I "C:\Insight2\Insight-VC++\Utilities\expat" /I "C:      
     \Insight2\Insight-VC++\Utilities\DICOMParser" /I "C:\Insight2\Insight\Utilities\DICOMParser" /I 
     "C:\Insight2\Insight\Utilities\NrrdIO" /I "C:\Insight2\Insight\Utilities\MetaIO" /I "C:         
     \Insight2\Insight\Code\SpatialObject" /I "C:\Insight2\Insight\Code\Numerics\NeuralNetworks" /I  
     "C:\Insight2\Insight\Code\Numerics\Statistics" /I "C:\Insight2\Insight\Code\Numerics\FEM" /I    
     "C:\Insight2\Insight\Code\IO" /I "C:\Insight2\Insight\Code\Numerics" /I "C:                     
     \Insight2\Insight\Code\Common" /I "C:\Insight2\Insight\Code\BasicFilters" /I "C:                
     \Insight2\Insight\Code\Algorithms" /I "C:\Insight2\Insight-VC++" /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "    
     _WINDOWS" /D "vvITKSigmoid_EXPORTS" /D "_WINDLL" /D "_MBCS" /FD /EHsc /RTCs /MDd /GS /GR        
     /Fo"Debug\\" /Fd"Debug/vvITKSigmoid.pdb" /W3 /c /Zi /TP  /TP     /Zm1000    -DNOMINMAX          
     -DNOMINMAX     -DCMAKE_INTDIR=\"Debug\"                                                         
     Creating command line "cl.exe @"c:                                                              
     \Insight2\InsightApplications-VSNET\VolviewPlugIns\Debug\RSP000001.rsp" /nologo"                
     Creating temporary file "c:                                                                     
     \Insight2\InsightApplications-VSNET\VolviewPlugIns\Debug\RSP000002.rsp" with contents           
     /OUT:"Debug\vvITKSigmoid.dll" /INCREMENTAL:NO /NOLOGO /LIBPATH:"C:\Insight2\Insight-VC++\bin\.  
     \Debug" /LIBPATH:"C:\Insight2\Insight-VC++\bin\\" /DLL /DEBUG /PDB:"Debug\vvITKSigmoid.pdb"     
     /STACK:10000000 /IMPLIB:"Debug\vvITKSigmoid.lib" /MACHINE:I386 /STACK:10000000 /machine:I386    
     /INCREMENTAL:YES   odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib ITKAlgorithms.lib ITKCommon.lib ITKBasicFilters.lib  
     ITKIO.lib ITKCommon.lib ITKBasicFilters.lib ITKAlgorithms.lib ITKNrrdIO.lib itkgdcm.lib         
     itkjpeg12.lib itkjpeg16.lib wsock32.lib snmpapi.lib itkpng.lib itktiff.lib itkjpeg8.lib         
     ITKSpatialObject.lib ITKMetaIO.lib ITKDICOMParser.lib ITKEXPAT.lib ITKniftiio.lib ITKznz.lib    
     itkzlib.lib ITKNumerics.lib ITKStatistics.lib ITKCommon.lib itkvnl_inst.lib itkvnl_algo.lib     
     itkvnl.lib itkvcl.lib itknetlib.lib itksys.lib  kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib  
     comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib " 
     \Insight2\insight-vc++\bin\debug\ITKAlgorithms.lib" "                                           
     \Insight2\insight-vc++\bin\debug\ITKCommon.lib" "                                               
     \Insight2\insight-vc++\bin\debug\ITKBasicFilters.lib" "                                         
     \Insight2\insight-vc++\bin\debug\ITKIO.lib" "\Insight2\insight-vc++\bin\debug\ITKNrrdIO.lib" "  
     \Insight2\insight-vc++\bin\debug\itkgdcm.lib" "\Insight2\insight-vc++\bin\debug\itkjpeg12.lib"  
     "\Insight2\insight-vc++\bin\debug\itkjpeg16.lib" "\Insight2\insight-vc++\bin\debug\itkpng.lib"  
     "\Insight2\insight-vc++\bin\debug\itktiff.lib" "\Insight2\insight-vc++\bin\debug\itkjpeg8.lib"  
     "\Insight2\insight-vc++\bin\debug\ITKSpatialObject.lib" "                                       
     \Insight2\insight-vc++\bin\debug\ITKMetaIO.lib" "                                               
     \Insight2\insight-vc++\bin\debug\ITKDICOMParser.lib" "                                          
     \Insight2\insight-vc++\bin\debug\ITKEXPAT.lib" "                                                
     \Insight2\insight-vc++\bin\debug\ITKniftiio.lib" "\Insight2\insight-vc++\bin\debug\ITKznz.lib"  
     "\Insight2\insight-vc++\bin\debug\itkzlib.lib" "                                                
     \Insight2\insight-vc++\bin\debug\ITKNumerics.lib" "                                             
     \Insight2\insight-vc++\bin\debug\ITKStatistics.lib" "                                           
     \Insight2\insight-vc++\bin\debug\itkvnl_inst.lib" "                                             
     \Insight2\insight-vc++\bin\debug\itkvnl_algo.lib" "\Insight2\insight-vc++\bin\debug\itkvnl.lib" 
     "\Insight2\insight-vc++\bin\debug\itkvcl.lib" "\Insight2\insight-vc++\bin\debug\itknetlib.lib"  
     Creating command line "link.exe @"c:                                                            
     Creating temporary file "c:                                                                     
     \Insight2\InsightApplications-VSNET\VolviewPlugIns\Debug\BAT000003.bat" with contents           
     @echo off                                                                                       
     "C:\Program Files\CMake20\bin\cmake.exe" -E copy /.\Debug/vvITKSigmoid.dll "C:/Program          
     if errorlevel 1 goto VCReportError                                                              
     goto VCEnd                                                                                      
     echo Project : error PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code from "Performing Post-Build         
     exit 1                                                                                          
     Creating command line ""c:                                                                      

 Output Window                                                              

        Creating library Debug\vvITKSigmoid.lib and object Debug\vvITKSigmoid.exp                                      
     Performing Post-Build Event...                                                                                    
     Error copying file "/.\Debug/vvITKSigmoid.dll" to "C:/Program Files/VolView20/.\Debug/Plugins/vvITKSigmoid.dll".  
     Project : error PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code from "Performing Post-Build Event..."                      


     Build log was saved at "file://c:\Insight2\InsightApplications-VSNET\VolviewPlugIns\Debug\BuildLog.htm"           
     vvITKSigmoid - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)                                                                           


                                   "Karthik Krishnan"                                                                                  
                       <karthik.krishnan at kitware.com> To:                                                                              
                                                            "mrcheung at mdanderson.org" <mrcheung at mdanderson.org>                        
                                                            insight-users at itk.org                                                      
                                  12/05/2007 08:46 AM                                                                                  
                                                            Re: [Insight-users] Re: volview plugin DLL post-build error                

On 12/4/07, mrcheung at mdanderson.org <mrcheung at mdanderson.org> wrote:


I am testing making volview plugin. I used a plugin already available and
build it. Got this error, although a DLL file was generated. When I
manually copy the DLL file generated this way into the Volview Plugin
folder, the Volview does not seem to see it. Any help is appreciated.


My Cmake setting:
Where is the source code: C:\Insight2\InsightApplications
Where to build the binaries: C:\Insight2\InsightApplications-VSNET
ITK_Dir: C:\Insight2\insight-vc++


The specification of VolView_BINARY_DIR is incorrect. This is supposed to
refer to the binary directory where VolView.exe is present. This is why you
get an error from the PostBuild copy process. There is no "Plugins"
directory in InsightApplications. The PostBuild Copy is meant to copy the
DLL for you to VolV I would suggest that you simply wipe this cache entry
out. (You can do that by rightclicking on this cache entry and selecting

In any case, VolView should've been able to load the DLL if you dropped it
into its Plugins folder. Could you please verify if you dropped it in the
right place as shown below.

  ---- Plugins/
             ----- vvITKSigmod.dll (should be dropped here).

------ Build started: Project: vvITKSigmoid, Configuration: Debug Win32

   Creating library Debug\vvITKSigmoid.lib and object
Performing Post-Build Event...
Error copying file "/.\Debug/vvITKSigmoid.dll" to
Project : error PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code from "Performing
Post-Build Event..."

Build log was saved at "file://c:
vvITKSigmoid - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)

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Karthik Krishnan
R&D Engineer,
Kitware Inc.
Ph: 518 371 3971 x119
Fax: 518 371 3971

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