[Insight-users] OTB 2.0 available

Jordi Inglada jordi.inglada at cnes.fr
Mon Dec 17 11:23:05 EST 2007

       [Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message]

Dear all, 

Santa Claus was at CNES last night and we have good news:

OTB-2.0.0 is out! 

ORFEO Toolbox (OTB) is CNES' open source library of image processing
algorithms. OTB is based on the medical image processing library ITK and
offers particular features for remote sensing image processing in
general and for high spatial resolution images in particular. OTB is
distributed under a free software licence CeCILL (similar to GPL) to
encourage contribution from users and to promote reproducible research.

You can go to <http://otb.cnes.fr> and follow the download link there. 

A major release like this one happens once a year. The OTB Development
Team has worked very hard in order to make available a robust library
with plenty of very interesting things. Thanks to Emmanuel, Thomas,
Julien, Romain and Cyrille for the good work.

Thanks also to ITK, OSSIM, GDAL, 6S, libSVM and BOOST developers for the
good software upon which OTB is built.

Be careful: with OTB-2.0 you can build powerful applications easily and
for free. You can for instance produce a pan-sharpenned, ortho-rectified
Quickbird image in a few lines of code. This can hurt sensitive people.

Other key features include:

- Radiometric calibration using the 6S radiative transfer code.
- Image registration with parametric geometric transformations.
- Demo applications for change detection, road extraction,
visualization, etc.
- All existing features of version 1.6: segmentation, classification,
feature extraction, spatial reasoning, change detection, etc.

The detailed documentation, which now includes a tutorial section, can
be downloaded also from <http://otb.cnes.fr>. The PDF file is 566 pages
long, so think twice before printing it (then, choose not to print it).

I you ever print the documentation, you can use it to hit in the head
people who do not believe in Free/Open Source Software (thanks to Luis
I. for the idea). Be careful: this hurts for sure.

Do not hesitate to use the users' list
<http://groups.google.com/group/otb-users> if you need support, or
contact us directly at <otb at cnes.fr>.

Enjoy OTB!


18, avenue Edouard Belin
31401 Toulouse Cedex 09 - France
Tel. +33.(0) - Fax. +33.(0) 

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