[Insight-users] please urgent answer about pointset to image registration

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Sun Feb 4 12:47:05 EST 2007

Hi Tony,

You probably instantiated the "registrationMethod" type using a
FixedPointSet different from your declaration of

   typedef itk::PointSet< float, Dimension > FixedPointSetType;

Please make sure that you declaration of the PointSet to Image
registration class looks like:

   typedef itk::PointSetToImageRegistrationMethod<
     MovingImageType >    RegistrationType;

and that the Metric declaration looks like:

   typedef itk::NormalizedCorrelationPointSetToImageMetric<
     MovingImageType >       MetricType;

If these two declarations are consistent with your FixedPointSet
as declared above, then you shouldn't find any problem assigning
the fixed point set with the method

     registrationMethod->SetFixedPointSet( mesh )

That is, your "mesh" object *MUST* be of type "FixedPointSet"
or *MUST* derive from this type.

If you continue experiencing any problems please do the

    1) Post to the list your *full* code of these file,
       not just incomplete snippets.

    2) Post to the list the *full* and *exact* error message
       that you get from the compiler.



tony hakki wrote:
> hello ,
> I need realll an urgent answer about registraion. I have tried to make 
> registration,for that application I have tried to modify 
> itkPointSetToImageRegistrationTest_1.cxx. I have my own image and my own 
> point set (thay are 3D). My problem is : I don't know how to set 
> FixedPointSet .
> at  that code "itkPointSetToImageRegistrationTest_1.cxx" it is created . 
> I just want to integrate my own pointset?
> when I write like following ,it gives errors
> .
> .
> .
> .
> typedef itk::PointSet< float, Dimension > FixedPointSetType;
> typedef itk::Image< PixelType, Dimension > MovingImageType;
> typedef itk::ImageFileReader< MovingImageType > MovingImageReaderType;
> .
> .
> .
> .
> registrationMethod->SetMetric( metric );
> registrationMethod->SetOptimizer( optimizer );
> registrationMethod->SetTransform( transform );
> registrationMethod->SetFixedPointSet(mesh.GetPointer()); //mesh is 
> output of my pointset
> registrationMethod->SetMovingImage(rawreader->GetOutput());
> registrationMethod->SetInterpolator(interpolator);
> I Hope somebody will help me, really need it.
> Tony

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