[Insight-users] Sobel Edge Detection: Problem in Windows XP with
VS2005: Take 2
Luis Ibanez
luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Wed Feb 7 08:59:20 EST 2007
Hi Dan,
Your code works fine for me.
Both on Windows with Visual Studio 7.1 and on
Linux with Gcc 4.1, *as long as* I provide as output
a file format that supports the pixel type *float*.
I'm suspecting that you are giving a .PNG file as
the filename for the output.
The PNG file format does not support pixel types
other than:
a) Unsigned char
b) Unsigned short
Using the PNG writer with any other pixel type
will generate an exception.
You correctly have set up the catch() for exceptions,
and they are caught correctly on Linux.
However, the Visual Studio compiler has a bug that
prevents it from recognizing the exception type in
this very particular case.
Please look at the code of
lines 447-451 and 469-472.
This is a known bug of the compiler and has been logged
in Bug #1872:
To summarize:
0) The Sobel filter works fine.
1) Your code works fine.
2) You *MUST* use an output file format that support
pixel type float *OR* you must cast the output
image to another type.
3) Your exception catching code is right
4) There is a bug in Visual Studio that prevents
this particular exception from being caught
Dan Mueller wrote:
> Hi all,
> I sent this email a few weeks ago, but as yet I have no reply. Has
> anyone else experienced this problem?
> I recently tried to use itkSobelEdgeDetectionImageFilter (source code is
> at the end of this email).
> In *Debug *mode the following error is thrown:
> Debug Assertion Failed!
> Program: ...
> File: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\include\vector
> Line: 756
> Expression: vector subscript out of range
> I think this error is related to:
> http://public.kitware.com/pipermail/insight-users/2007-January/020483.html.
> In *Release *mode the following error is thrown:
> itkTestMain.exe - Application Error
> The exception unknown software exception (0xc000000d) occurred in
> the application at location 0x78138a8a.
> My system is as such:
> Platform: Windows XP SP2
> Computer: Intel Pentium 3.00 GHz, dual core
> Compiler: Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 (v8.050727.363 ie. SP1 Beta)
> CMake: 2.4.2
> ITK: 2.8.1 (compiled in both Debug and Release modes)
> I have had no problems compiling and running applications using numerous
> other filters on this system. Any ideas as to the cause of the error
> with the Sobel Edge Detection filter (source code below)? Am I missing
> something so obvious that I can't see it? I can not debug the issue
> because of the vector subscript error described above. I have not tried
> the fix proposed in the insight-users post above because this seems to
> be for Debug mode only, and my error appears in Release mode also. (FYI:
> the cthead1.png image is in the same directory as the produced executable.)
> Thanks for your help.
> Dan
> *<CODE: itkTestMain.cxx>*
> /*=========================================================================
> itkTestMain.cxx
> =========================================================================*/
> #include "itkImage.h"
> #include "itkImageFileReader.h"
> #include "itkImageFileWriter.h"
> #include "itkSobelEdgeDetectionImageFilter.h"
> int main()
> {
> // Set input variables
> const char* InputImageFilename = "cthead1.png";
> const char* OutputImageFilename = "cthead1_SOBEL.mhd";
> // Declare types
> const unsigned int Dimension = 2;
> typedef float PixelType;
> typedef itk::Image< PixelType, Dimension > ImageType;
> typedef itk::ImageFileReader< ImageType > ReaderType;
> typedef itk::ImageFileWriter< ImageType > WriterType;
> typedef itk::SobelEdgeDetectionImageFilter< ImageType, ImageType >
> SobelFilterType;
> try
> {
> // Read input image
> ReaderType::Pointer reader = ReaderType::New();
> reader->SetFileName( InputImageFilename );
> reader->Update();
> // Apply Sobel Filter
> SobelFilterType::Pointer filter = SobelFilterType::New();
> filter->SetInput( reader->GetOutput() );
> filter->Update();
> // Write output image
> WriterType::Pointer writer = WriterType::New();
> writer->SetFileName( OutputImageFilename );
> writer->SetInput( filter->GetOutput() );
> writer->Update();
> }
> catch (itk::ExceptionObject & err)
> {
> std::cout << "ExceptionObject caught !" << std::endl;
> std::cout << err << std::endl;
> return EXIT_FAILURE;
> }
> //Return
> return EXIT_SUCCESS;
> }
> *</CODE**: itkTestMain.cxx**>*
> *<CODE: CMakeLists.txt>*
> #Set the project
> PROJECT(TestMain)
> #Include some macros from another file...
> #Setup required paths
> output directory for building all libraries." FORCE)
> output directory for building all executables." FORCE)
> #The following lines are required to use Dart
> #Declare any external dependencies that your project may have here.
> #examples include: ITK, VTK, JPEG, PNG, OpenGL, ZLIB, Perl, Java
> #If you're not sure what name to use, look in the Modules directory of your
> #cmake install and check that a file named Find(Package).cmake exists
> SET(Required_Packages
> )
> #this foreach loads all of the packages that you specified as required.
> #It shouldn't need to be modified.
> FOREACH(Package ${Required_Packages})
> LOADPACKAGE(${Package})
> #Construct VXL/VNL includes
> ${ITK_SOURCE_DIR}/Utilities/vxl
> ${ITK_SOURCE_DIR}/Utilities/vxl/core
> ${ITK_SOURCE_DIR}/Utilities/vxl/core/vnl
> ${ITK_SOURCE_DIR}/Utilities/vxl/vcl)
> #Set any libraries that your project depends on.
> #examples: ITKCommon, VTKRendering, etc
> itkvnl
> itkvnl_algo
> itknetlib)
> ITKCommon
> ITKNumerics
> ITKBasicFilters
> )
> #Add Source
> SUBDIRS(Source)
> #Add Testing
> OPTION(BUILD_TESTING "Build the Testing directory." OFF)
> #SUBDIRS(Testing)
> *</ CODE**: CMakeLists.txt**>*
> Matei Stroila wrote:
>> First of all, Happy New Year!
>> Thanks all for this wonderful software library! It is an exemplary
>> model of open source software that helps progress go on.
>> Now, going back to the VS 2005 settings:
>> Luis,
>> I added
>> #cmakedefine _SECURE_SCL=0
>> #cmakedefine _HAS_ITERATOR_DEBUGGING=0
>> in itkConfigure.h.in.
>> The itkConfigure.h in the build dir becomes:
>> ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>> /*
>> * here is where system computed values get stored these values should
>> only
>> * change when the target compile platform changes
>> */
>> /* what byte order */
>> #endif
>> /* what threading system are we using */
>> /* #undef CMAKE_USE_PTHREADS */
>> #endif
>> /* #undef CMAKE_USE_SPROC */
>> #define ITK_USE_SPROC
>> #endif
>> /* #undef CMAKE_HP_PTHREADS */
>> #define ITK_HP_PTHREADS
>> #endif
>> #define ITK_USE_WIN32_THREADS
>> #endif
>> /* #undef ITK_BUILD_SHARED_LIBS */
>> #define ITKDLL
>> #else
>> #define ITKSTATIC
>> #endif
>> /* #undef CMAKE_NO_STD_NAMESPACE */
>> /* #undef CMAKE_NO_ANSI_FOR_SCOPE */
>> /* #undef USE_FFTWF */
>> /* #undef USE_FFTWD */
>> /* #undef _SECURE_SCL=0 */
>> /* #undef _HAS_ITERATOR_DEBUGGING=0 */
>> #define ITK_VERSION_MAJOR 3
>> #define ITK_VERSION_MINOR 1
>> #define ITK_VERSION_PATCH 0
>> #define ITK_VERSION_STRING "3.1"
>> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>> The _SECURE_SCL and _HAS_ITERATOR_DEBUGGING do not get defined,
>> neither in the ITK library nor in projects depending on it.
>> On the other hand, if I add:
>> #define _SECURE_SCL 0
>> in the itkConfigure.h.in, then they appear as is in itkConfigure.h but
>> I get compile errors in
>> C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\include\deque:
>> Error 21 error C2248: 'std::deque<_Ty>::_Myoff' : cannot access
>> protected member declared in class 'std::deque<_Ty>' C:\Program
>> Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\include\deque 132
>> So, for now I will keep the definitions in CMakeLists.txt since that
>> works well.
>> Matei
>> On 12/31/06, Luis Ibanez <luis.ibanez at kitware.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Matei,
>>> When adding cmakedefine statements to itkConfigure.h.in,
>>> they will only appear in the file
>>> itkConfigure.h
>>> that CMake generates in the Binary directory where you are
>>> building ITK (and the install directory,... if you are
>>> installing ITK after building it).
>>> The symbol does not appear in the CMake configuration editor, and
>>> it does not appear in the properties of Visual Studio IDE. This
>>> is normal. It is actually part of the advantages of defining the
>>> symbol in the itkConfigure.h.in file.
>>> Since itkConfigure.h is included by almost all ITK files, the symbol
>>> will be used all through your build.
>>> For a simple verification you can try adding in your
>>> code something like:
>>> #endif
>>> Please let us know if you find an indication that the symbol does
>>> not get defined correctly.
>>> Thanks
>>> Luis
>>> ---------------------
>>> Matei Stroila wrote:
>>> > I added
>>> >
>>> > # cmakedefine _HAS_ITERATOR_DEBUGGING=0
>>> >
>>> > to Insight/itkConfigure.h.in, line 49
>>> >
>>> > but I don't see it in the CMake configuration editor, neither in the
>>> > Properties Window of the ITK projects. It does not look like they are
>>> > using it.
>>> >
>>> > Also, for people intersted in using VS 2005, this define is also
>>> necessary:
>>> > _SECURE_SCL=0
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Matei
>>> >
>>> > On 12/27/06, Luis Ibanez <luis.ibanez at kitware.com> wrote:
>>> >
>>> >>
>>> >> Hi Matei, Karthik
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> Thanks for tracking this issue.
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> Just for the record:
>>> >>
>>> >> a better place for adding definitions is the file:
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> Insight/itkConfigure.h.in
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> Where you could add the line 49:
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> cmakedefine _HAS_ITERATOR_DEBUGGING=0
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> The advantage of adding the definition here instead of the
>>> >> CMakeLists.txt file is that in the itkConfigure.h file, the
>>> >> definition is actually passed also to the projects that use
>>> >> ITK, while the definitions in CMakeLists.txt are used only
>>> >> while building ITK.
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> Regards,
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> Luis
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> ----------------------
>>> >> Matei Stroila wrote:
>>> >> > Thank you very much.
>>> >> >
>>> >> > I added -D_HAS_ITERATOR_DEBUGGING=0 in Insight\CMakeLists.txt :
>>> >> >
>>> >> > IF(WIN32)
>>> >> > IF(NOT BORLAND)
>>> >> > IF(NOT CYGWIN)
>>> >> > IF(NOT MINGW)
>>> >> > )
>>> >> > ENDIF(WIN32)
>>> >> >
>>> >> >
>>> >> > Recompiled and my program runs fine in debug.
>>> >> >
>>> >> >> Please log this issue as an entry in the bug tracker.
>>> >> >>
>>> >> >
>>> >> > Sure, I will do it now.
>>> >> >
>>> >> > Thanks,
>>> >> >
>>> >> > Matei
>>> >> >
>>> >>
>>> >
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