[Insight-users] DICOM Slices :Interslice distance missing

K. Subburaj subburaj at iitb.ac.in
Thu Feb 8 15:47:47 EST 2007


Yes the same. Thanks for answering my previous mail.

while reading dicom images header informations, in most of the images
interslice distance is missing. if so what is the solution, should i
assume 1 mm, or as slice thickness, or contagious one?

// My Code is

const unsigned short imageTags = 7;

		std::string entryId[imageTags];

			entryId[0] = "0028|0010";	//	Rows
			entryId[1] = "0028|0011";	//	Columns
			entryId[2] = "0028|0030";	//	Pixel Spacing
			entryId[3] = "0018|0050";	//	Slice Thickness
			entryId[4] = "0018|0088";	//	Inter slice distance
			entryId[5] = "0020|0032";	//	Image Position Patient
			entryId[6] = "0020|1041";	//	Slice Location

		DictionaryType::ConstIterator tagItr[7];

		for(int tag = 0; tag < imageTags; tag++)
			tagItr[tag] = dictionary.Find( entryId[tag] );

		for(int tag = 0; tag < imageTags; tag++)
			if( tagItr[tag] == end )
				std::cerr << "Tag " << entryId[tag];
				std::cerr << " not found in the DICOM header" << std::endl;
				//return EXIT_FAILURE;

//	---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	Tag Entry may or may not be of string type, so cast it to string

		MetaDataStringType::ConstPointer entryvalue[ imageTags];
		std::string tagvalue[imageTags];

		for(int tag=0; tag < imageTags; tag++)
			entryvalue[tag] = dynamic_cast<const MetaDataStringType *>(
tagItr[tag]->second.GetPointer() );

			if( entryvalue > 0 )
				tagvalue[tag] = entryvalue[tag]->GetMetaDataObjectValue();
				if (tag == 0)
					std::cout << "Rows (" << entryId[tag] <<  ") ";
					std::cout << " is: " << tagvalue[tag] << std::endl;
				std::cerr << "Entry was not of string type" << std::endl;
				return EXIT_FAILURE;

Thank / Subbu


K. Subburaj wrote:
> Hi,
> I need to know how to get the "number of slices stacked" while reading
> bunch of DICOM Images (single series number) from a directory.
> Can anyone help me to get answer?

Hi SUbbu,

	Are you looking for the number of slices that will be read ? I believe
you can simply count the number of filenames in the output of the

   typedef itk::GDCMSeriesFileNames                SeriesFileNames;
   SeriesFileNames::Pointer it = SeriesFileNames::New();
   it->SetInputDirectory( argv[1] );
   const ReaderType::FileNamesContainer & filenames =
   unsigned int numberOfFilenames =  filenames.size();
   std::cout << numberOfFilenames << std::endl;


 Subburaj Karuppasamy                  | Res.: H-1 /# 219
 Research Scholar                      |       IIT Bombay, Powai
 Prof. B.Ravi's Lab                    |       Mumbai - 400 076
 Dept. of Mechanical Engg.             | Tel.: +91 22 2576 7510 (Lab.)
 Indian Institute of Technology Bombay | Cell: +91 98 6915 2700
 Powai, Mumbai - 400 076, India        | URL : www.me.iitb.ac.in/~subbu

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