[Insight-users] GDCM + ITK dicom anonymization

Mathieu Malaterre mathieu.malaterre at kitware.com
Wed Feb 21 16:32:50 EST 2007

Jeffrey Prescott wrote:
> Hello,
>   I have written a DICOM anonymizer that closely follows the example 
> given in "Changin a DICOM Header" section in the ITK software guide.  
> The program runs fine, changing tags that I request to be 
> changed.  However, the program also removes tags that are not specified 
> to be removed anywhere in my program - e.g., 0020,1041  Slice Location.  
> I have checked the dicomV3 dictionary that the gdcm library uses, and 
> there doesn't seem to be a problem with missing fields there.  Is there 
> some hidden functionality when using the gdcm library to read/write 
> DICOM headers that I'm not aware of?  Thanks!

Hi Jeff,

  	I am currently fixing a couple of issues in the ITK-gdcm layer. Would 
it be possible that you sent me a small example and a copy of one of 
your image so that I can reproduce the issue.

Thanks for your time,

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