[Insight-users] DICOM series private tag

Alberto Bert bert at isiosf.isi.it
Thu Feb 22 21:16:31 EST 2007

Hi all,

I'm trying to read serieses of DICOM 2D files into 3D images. The DICOM 
directory contains several serieses corresponding to time frames, and I'm 
trying to read them in separately 3D images. The GDCMSeriesFileNames does 
a good job, but I need to AddSeriesRestriction. If I use the frame time 
(0054|1300) the list of the series ID is sorted wrongly, so I tried the 
private tag (0009|10d8), but it does not work.

dcmdump shows it to me as:
01\00\00\00 for the first frame,
02\00\00\00 for the second frame

and so on, but the GDCMSeriesFileNames seems not to be able to use it; it 
makes a single series. Also, if I try to print it from ITK, I get weird 
results, like:


 Maybe it's the format of the tag value... I don't know what 
back slashes mean.

Can anyone help me?


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