[Insight-users] ambiguous GeodesicActiveContourImageFilter

Oliver Gloger olivergloger at gmx.de
Tue Feb 27 02:31:51 EST 2007

Dear insight-users!

I am trying to use the GeodesicActiveContourImageFilter! My segments are growing too large! Could anybody help me? I don't understand some details of using it:
1.) Is it necessary to use the SigmoidFilter before? When I use it, the OutputImage after applying the SigmoidFilter is empty! Is that a problem?

2.) What is the meaning of the variable seedValue resp. initialDistance?
The SoftwareGuide says: "The rule of thumb for the user is to select
this value as the distance from the seed points at which the initial contour should be." I have many seed
points for one initial segment but don’t really know which distance you mean !! Could anybody eplain me?

3.) How to tell this filter that my curve shall shrink?

Best regards, Olli!

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