[Insight-users] Creating a 3D image with 2D images that exhibit variable image sp acing

Bill Lorensen bill.lorensen at gmail.com
Wed Feb 28 07:31:04 EST 2007


ITK does not support volumes with variable spacing. I have worked with the
Visible Human data and have handled this issue two ways:

1) Create multiple 3D volumes each with its own spacing.
2) Resample each 3D volume to a common spacing.

I resampled the fresh CT Visible Human Male and Female data sets into 1mm
pixels and converted them to DICOM. The University of Iowa hosts this data


On 2/28/07, Sims Richard (RKB) Clinical Scientist <Richard.Sims at uhcw.nhs.uk>
>  Hi
> I'm wondering whether anyone can help me...
> ...I have some visible human data of the head and would like to create 3D
> volumes prior to performing a registration. The details of the registration
> are not important at this stage, what I am more concerned with is the finer
> details behind the 2D slices that create the volume.
> One of the datasets (frozen CT) has a constant image spacing for the 100
> or so slices I am interested in (e.g. 0.55mm/pixel), whereas the other
> dataset (normal, fresh CT) has variable image spacing (e.g. 0.55-0.75mm/pixel).
> I have written a small matlab script to read in the *.txt file that is
> provided with each 2D data file to create a separate *.mha file that is then
> used with a script similar to the ImageSeriesReadWrite.cxx example script
> to create a 3D dicom file.
> When I check the header of the newly created 3D dicom file there are only
> one pair of values for the image spacing, presumably of the final image
> slice that was used to compile it. Does the newly created dicom file contain
> the correct image spacing for all slices, or are they all stored at the
> displayed value (therefore rendering the file useless)?
> If this is the case, is there any way around it apart from creating
> several smaller 3D dicom volumes?
> Many thanks in advance,
> Richard.
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