[Insight-users] Bspline registration

delphine.ribes at epfl.ch delphine.ribes at epfl.ch
Mon Jan 8 09:04:23 EST 2007


I am using : itkBSplineDeformableTransform
with : itkLBFGSOptimizer

// definition of values used by the optimizer
optimizer->SetGradientConvergenceTolerance( 0.05 );
optimizer->SetLineSearchAccuracy( 0.9 );
optimizer->SetDefaultStepLength( 1.5 );
optimizer->SetMaximumNumberOfFunctionEvaluations( 200 );

Before I did an Rigid transform and an affine transform.
I get an error message : the search direction is not descent direction flag=-1.
Line search failed. See documentation of routine mcsrch error return of line
search : info=0 possible causes : function or gradient are incorrect tolerance
vnl_lbfgs:*** EEEK ***

itk::Exeption object <0129F518>
Location "unknown"
File: C:..CodeNumericsitkLBFGSOptimizer.cxx
line: 265A
Description: itk::ERROR: LBFGS<01C8A848>: Error occured in optimization

So The registration is not working,
It might be due to the values of parametres.

Thanks, cheers

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