[Insight-users] itkImageSeriesWriter strange problem

kdsfinger at gmail.com kdsfinger at gmail.com
Wed Jan 10 02:47:35 EST 2007

I did some operation to an image and finally I get

image = someFilter->GetOutput();
{write the image by itkImageSeriesWriter}

The problem is: if block the std::cout line, then I get error message
while trying to write by itkImageSeriesWriter. Here is the error

Exception thrown while reading the image

itk::ExceptionObject (0x99dbee0)
Location: "void itk::ImageSeriesWriter<TInputImage,
TOutputImage>::GenerateData() [with TInputImage = itk::Image<unsigned
char, 3u>, TOutputImage = itk::Image<unsigned char, 2u>]"
File: /mnt/drive3/itk/Insight/Code/IO/itkImageSeriesWriter.txx
Line: 314
Description: itk::ERROR: ImageSeriesWriter(0x9a5d5b8): The number of
filenames passed is 100 but 50 were expected

However, if the std::cout line is not blocked, then everything will be
fine. Why is that??? Thanks for your comments.


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