[Insight-users] FEM 3D deformable registration multimodal

Nicholas Tustison ntustison at gmail.com
Thu Jan 25 09:16:59 EST 2007

Hi verena,

I would start with the FEM section in the ITK software guide (although I
realize the information is sparse).  In addition, a basic understanding
of FEM would be helpful and there are countless resources for
learning the basics of FEM.  A theoretical paper discussing image
registration in the context of FEM for brain registration is available
online at


Good luck,

On Jan 24, 2007, at 12:37 PM, verenas at uni-koblenz.de wrote:

> Hi Nicholas,
> thank you! It works!
> Do you know good literature (books, papers) about FEM in Image
> Registration? Or gernerally for 3D deformable Registration?
> verena
>> Hi Verenas,
>> Yes, FEM does support multimodal registration.  The metric is
>> selected by changing the appropriate line in the FEM parameter file.
>> The file Insight/Examples/Data/
>> FiniteElementRegistrationParameters1.txt is such an example.  The
>> parameters associated with the similarity metric are found on line 33
>> of that file.
>> Good luck,
>> Nick
>> On Jan 24, 2007, at 10:57 AM, verenas at uni-koblenz.de wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I'm a Newbie to ITK and currently trying  
>>> DeformableRegistration1.cxx.
>>> Everything works fine, exceptly HistogramMatchingImageFilter,  
>>> which is
>>> designed for two images of the same type. What Filter can I use
>>> instead to
>>> register two images of different types (MR,CT)? Does FEM support
>>> multimodal registration? I thought that the metrics NCC and MI
>>> should work...
>>> Thank you,
>>> verena
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