[Insight-users] A theoretical question

Arne Hansen bsd.diverse at gmail.com
Fri Jan 26 08:43:10 EST 2007

Hello. I have a question regarding the use of shape models built using
Signed Distance Maps(Level Set Function).
I have applied a principal component analysis on my Level Set Functions, and
found a meanshape + modes of variation.
I now need to use these as prior information in a segmentation model where
certain regions(those which my shape model represent) needs to be
I am however unsure of how i can do this. So my question is if an Active
Appearance Model technique can be used when i have built my shape model on
Level Set Functions, or if i actually need to do it on landmarks.

Is there other methods to use?
Maybe you can recommend a method to use.
Thank you very much, and best of regards.
Arne Hansen
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