[Insight-users] Problems compiling Curves3DExtractor

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Thu Jul 5 15:34:50 EDT 2007

Hi Vijay,

You must configure with CMake the *entire* InsightApplications

Once you have configured the entire package, you can get inside
any of the subdirectories and build only that subdirectory.

The error that you are getting seems typical of running CMake
in the Curves3DExtractor subdirectory instead of running it
at the top level.

The "ADD_GUI_EXECUTABLE" command is actually a CMake macro that
is defined in the CMakeLists.txt file at the top directory of



Xavier Mellado Esteban wrote:
>   Hello:
>   I am not sure but try to compile the "Auxiliary" folder and then try 
> to compile the example again. I think its needed to compile a connector 
> between FLTK, VTK before compile any GUI based application. And switch 
> to the latest version of CMake and ITK.
>                     Hope this helps you:
>                                                       Xavi
> vijay kumar escribió:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> I am trying to compile the Curves3DExtractor application. As indicated 
>> in GettingStarted-IV.pdf, I configured the paths to FLTK headers and 
>> libraries, but I still get the following compilation error: "Unknown 
>> CMake command "ADD_GUI_EXECUTABLE". I searched the archives, but 
>> didn't find a suitable answer. Can someone please advise me on this?
>> The only change I made to the CMakeLists.txt file is to comment out 
>> the lines with
>> "if (build_outside_insight_applications)" as I am building it within 
>> the applications directory.
>> Thanks,
>> Vijay
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