Fw: [Insight-users] Advices on 3D registration

Nic itk at fete.ch
Tue Jul 10 11:26:54 EDT 2007

Hi Luis,
    thanks a lot for your reply !
I could send you a link on a zip, rar or what ever else archive and put it 
on a website in order you can download the images. My images stacks are 
2048x2048, should I resize them before to 512x512 by example ?
I plan to use later Multi-Resolution registration (8.7)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Luis Ibanez" <luis.ibanez at kitware.com>
To: "Nicolas Fête" <nicolas.fete at epfl.ch>
Cc: "Insight Users" <insight-users at itk.org>
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2007 4:57 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: [Insight-users] Advices on 3D registration

> Hi Nicolas:
> Thanks for your clarifications.
> 1) If you actually acquired the bottom sample by
>    physically rotating the sample in the microscope,
>    then you should *NOT* reverse the slice order
>    when you load the image.
>    What you want to do is to have a Transform that
>    represents what manually did to the sample,
>    namely: flipping it on the acquisition plate
>            by rotating it 180 around some axis.
>    (do you remember the axis that you rotate the
>     sample around ?)
>     If you just "reverse" the order of the slices
>     you are making the mistake of reflecting the
>     slices in the plane, and therefore they will
>     *NOT* match in the middle of the block.
> 2) Your "simulation" of acquiring image from
>    the bottom is not complete unless you include
>    the flipping that the images will have due
>    to having the microscope look at the sample
>    "from the other side".  You will find this
>    clearer if you imagine and asymmetric object
>    inside the sample.  You will see that left/right
>    should be reverted.
> 3) Since there are rotations involved in your
>    registration, you should use a Rigid3D transform,
>    even if you expect that most of the corrections
>    will be in the translations components.
>    Note that for this transform, it is critical
>    to set up the "center of rotation". a good
>    choice will be the middle of the "overlapping"
>    region between the front and back acquisition
>    blocks.
>    You *MUST* also initialize the rotation component
>    to a value of 180 degrees, to represent what you
>    manually did when you flipped the sample in the
>    microscope.
>    Before you start running any registration, please,
>    just resample the bottom image using the initialized
>    transform. If the initialization is correct, you should
>    find a visible match. If the initialization is not
>    correct, there is not point in running an optimizer.
> 4) Your synthetic example is not replicating correctly
>    what will happen to a sample when you flip it.
>    You must, in addition to read the slices in reverse
>    order, reflect them across the same axis that you are
>    simulating the flip.
> 5) Getting the *CORRECT* interslice physical spacing
>    is *VERY* important, because when you start including
>    rotations, translations in X and Y result in translations
>    on Z, and vice versa. If the spacings are not correct, the
>    proportions of translation will be miscalculated.
>    Please estimate the best you can the spacing between the
>    slices (in microns), and the X,Y pixel size in microns too.
> 6) Please read the ITK Software Guide for advice on how to
>    setup the parameter scales.  The smaller the number of
>    the scale, the *MORE* variation will be applied to that
>    parameter.
> 7) Is this data that you can share publicly ?
>   Regards,
>      Luis
> ====================
> Nicolas Fête wrote:
>> Good afternoon,
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> *From:* Nic <mailto:itk at fete.ch>
>> *To:* Luis Ibanez <mailto:luis.ibanez at kitware.com>
>> *Sent:* Monday, June 25, 2007 4:45 PM
>> *Subject:* Re: [Insight-users] Advices on 3D registration
>> Hi Luis, really sorry I missed your reply last friday, thanks a lot for 
>> replying ! :)
>>  > 1) When you acquired the volume from the bottom (in the second
>>  >    acquisition), are the slices organized in such a way that
>>  >    the first slice in your stack is actually the last slice of
>>  >    the sample as view from the direction of the first acquisition.
>>  My two scans begin out of the sample (black images, no light emission) 
>> and converge to the center of the sample (green nucleus images); I made 
>> acquisition in this order for a pratical reason and better image result. 
>> Each scan go a little bit further than the middle thus I can consider 
>> having 10-20 images in common. I modified the example code in order that 
>> the second stack ("bottom stack") is loaded in reverse (thanks Julien): I 
>> consider my final stack as viewed from top to bottom, the top stack 
>> direction is thus ok but not the bottom stack (bottom to top view), and 
>> that's the reason I load in reverse.
>> The first image of the bottom stack doesn't corresponds to the last one 
>> of the top stack but corresponds to an image a little bit before the end 
>> of the top stack, thus the first X images of the bottom stack overlap the 
>> last X images of the top stack:
>>  Top stack            Bottom stack
>>  n° 0    -----
>>             ...
>>             ...       n° 0    -----
>> n° 90  -----                ...
>>                                   ...
>>                       n°66    ----
>>  I made a synthetic example from a top stack, splitting it in two stacks, 
>> one from slice 0 to 90 and the other from slice 70 to 135, having thus 20 
>> slices on common. I reversed the order of the the second stack (renamed 
>> TIFF filenames), in order to simulate a bottom-top scan. Finally I 
>> downsampled to 512x512 for faster computing (originally 2048x2048) and in 
>> my modified code, I load the second stack IN REVERSE.
>>  > 2) Were the acquisitions made by actually flipping the sample in
>>  >    the microscope between the two readings  ?
>>  2) Yes, the sample was put on an homemade setup and manually flipped 
>> betweeen scans (leica inverted confocal microscope). Rotation arround z 
>> axis could be approximated by simple calculation with scanfield rotation 
>> information from Leica file (the sample, because of its smalness and 
>> weakness, is put "as is" on coverslides, I then turn rotation field in 
>> order to zoom a maximum, with constraint to fit the whole sample. I try 
>> to satisfy at maximum the deconvolution optimal requirements on voxel 
>> size. Important: I take care NOT to modify the zoom value between the two 
>> scans, for a few minor stacks I forgot it when flipping, but the zoom 
>> difference is really small). I hope rotation around x and y axes could be 
>> neglected, registration will answer to the question, but viewing the 
>> images of both stacks, common images seems really the same
>>  > If the answers to (1) and (2) are true, what you may want to do
>>  > is initialize the rotation as a 180 degrees along the *SAME*
>>  > axis that you physically rotated the sample in-between the two
>>  > acquisitions *AND* set the center of rotation to the physical
>>  > position of the middle of the first stack, *AND* initialize
>>  > the translation of the registration to the distance between the
>>  > centers of both stacks.
>>  Ok. I think for my synthetic example it should work, because both stacks 
>> result from a splitted same stack.
>> BUT for the real example we have perhaps to take into account the fact 
>> that :
>>  z-position_start_scan_value(bottom_stack) != 
>> z-position_start_scan_value(top_stack)+step_size*calculated_number_of_slices
>>  In other words, the 20 overlapping images from each stack are not 
>> perfectly registrated in z, they are "interlaced".
>> Perhaps we can approximate the translation between centers of both 
>> stacks. At least.. for an initialization it is no expected to be exact 
>> but only as near as possible.. no ?
>>  > From you data, it seems that the thickness of the full sample
>>  > is about:
>>  >
>>  >               80um + 80um - 20um   = 140um
>>  > There for the distance between the physical centers of both
>>  > acquired blocks is about 60um.
>> Yes, normally the tickness is normally comprised between 130 and 160, but 
>> it is difficult to know it exactly before having a whole 3D 
>> reconstruction 'cause sometimes the sample is a little bit "crushed" 
>> between the two coverslides. I doesn't really matter because I'm 
>> interesting only in counting nucleus, not calculating volume, and nucleus 
>> remain well-marked. The is no limitation with the distance between stacks 
>> I think.. ?
>>  > Since you probably were very careful placing the sample in the
>>  > microscopy, you should set the parameter scaling in such a way
>>  > that rotations should be minimal, and the optimizer will
>>  > concentrate mostly on correcting for translations.
>> Yes, it is exactly what I though, and I'm actually trying it, but I don't 
>> exactly understand how to set it correctly, I'm still missing something 
>> :)
>> In order to neglecte a parameter, should be the scale value near 1.0 or 
>> with a small value like 1.0/100000.0 ? I though that a small value would 
>> neglect a parameter, but z-value change more when its scale is set to a 
>> small value. Maybe I'm wrong because my code is not yet correct at the 
>> moment..
>>  > Once you solve the registration, you can join the two images into
>>  > a full image by resampling both the FIXED and the MOVING images
>>  > into an image grid equal aligned with the fixed image, but physically
>>  > extended downwards in order to include the physical region where the
>>  > second stack is located.
>> I have to think a little bit about it, I'm not yet "fit" with ITK. The 
>> idea is the one I meant, but I actually don't see how to do it straight 
>> forwardly. I need a little bit more practice with ITK and check its doc 
>> again.. :)
>>  So, do you have any comments about what I answered above ?
>>  Thanks a lot ! nic
>>  >
>>  > Please let us know if you have further questions,
>>  >
>>  >
>>  >    Thanks
>>  >
>>  >
>>  >       Luis
>>  >
>>  >
>>  > ===========
>>  > Nic wrote:
>>  >> Hello,
>>  >>    I would like to register 2 images stacks from one sample (confocal
>>  >> microscope, 1 channel only, nucleus staining). Each stack corresponds 
>> to
>>  >> one side of the sample, one scan was made from the top and the other
>>  >> from the bottom, each scan was made until a little past the middle of
>>  >> the sample, in order to have in each stack a small common sub-volume 
>> I
>>  >> could use for registering them (each common volume have around 10-20 
>> µm
>>  >> deep, each stack can be 60-80 µm deep); the overlapping part is thus 
>> at
>>  >> the bottom of each stack. Nucleus are perfectly stained, well shaped 
>> and
>>  >> well separated.
>>  >> I'm currently adapting the "Rigid transform in 3D" (8.6.4), trying to
>>  >> initialize the transform with a z translation of the moving stack in
>>  >> order to have both overlapping sub-volume a little bit registerated; 
>> I'm
>>  >> allowing too loading Tiff image stacks, with correct spacing and 
>> origin.
>>  >> According to my acquisition protocol, it is probably possible to 
>> neglect
>>  >> rotations, or at least to consider only the rotation in the x-y plane
>>  >> (and this one could be perhaps approximated with microscope's value 
>> on
>>  >> scanfield rotation, and a mirroring calculation): should be it a
>>  >> solution to force optimisation for versor with a very small step and 
>> for
>>  >> translation a greater step (tuning is on optimizerScales no ?) ? Or 
>> is
>>  >> it possible to use another transform that only make 3D translations ?
>>  >> The idea is finally to have both stacks merged, one stack unchanged, 
>> and
>>  >> increased by a resampled version of the other from the bottom of the
>>  >> unchanged stack until the top of the resampled other stack; 
>> z-stepsize
>>  >> are same. Is there a way to do it easily ? I think the
>>  >> ImageRegistration8.cxx (code of Rigid transform in 3D" (8.6.4) 
>> example)
>>  >> do a resampling at end for the moving 3D image, but it seems to me it
>>  >> only apply transformation to the moving image but don't merge the 
>> fixed
>>  >> and moving images.. Or did I miss something ?
>>  >> Thanks a lot in advance ! nic
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