[Insight-users] Cannot build ITK for MAC OS X Tiger 64 bit

Alex Lisovich alex.lisovich at gmail.com
Tue Jul 10 15:30:15 EDT 2007

> This should not be the case.  Which version of CMake are you using?

CMake 2.4 - Patch 6

> Also, you _must_ set CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT to the 10.4u SDK.  Without using
> the SDK, you are not guaranteed to be able to link properly.

It is set to 10.4u SDK, see my earlier message

> >In order to really build in 64 bit mode, one needs to set
> >
> >CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-arch x86_64
> >CMAKE_C_FLAGS=-arch x86_64,
> You should not have to do that.

Could you tell me what the settings should be? Without these two
settings the size of long is 4 bytes, with them - 8 bytes, in both
cases MAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES is set to x86_64.



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