[Insight-users] Setting Analyze datatype Header Field?

Joe Maisog joe.maisog at medicalnumerics.com
Tue Jul 17 16:33:57 EDT 2007

Hi all, due to legacy data and software constraints, I am trying to use ITK
to perform intermodality registration on Analyze format data.   The
image_dimension.datatype field in the header file of my output Analyze image
volume is set to 132, which is not a recognized value under the Analyze
format (see http://www.mayo.edu/bir/PDF/ANALYZE75.pdf, p. 3).  I tried to set
this field to one of the recognized values using the AnalyzeImageIO class
explicitly (as per Section 7.3 in the ITK Software Guide), with calls to
member functions SetPixelType() and SetComponentType():



    typedef itk::ImageFileWriter< OutputImageType >  WriterType;

    WriterType::Pointer      writer =  WriterType::New();




    typedef itk::AnalyzeImageIO ImageIOType;

    ImageIOType::Pointer analyzeIO = ImageIOType::New();





    writer->SetImageIO( analyzeIO );




but the output Analyze header still has the image_dimension.datatype field is
set to 132.  How do I manually set this header field?







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