[Insight-users] registration consistency

Steve M. Robbins steve at sumost.ca
Fri Jul 20 10:57:09 EDT 2007

On Fri, Jul 20, 2007 at 02:32:55PM +0000, qing xu wrote:

> Does the same registration code with the same input always give the same 
> output?
> I am doing a 3D registration for a dataset consisting of 50 volumes. I put 
> the registration code in a loop so that the registration can be done one by 
> one for each volume. However, the reults are much different from what I got 
> by processing one volume once a time. The only reason I can think of is 
> that running reigstration for too long would consume too much memory, so 
> the registration performance is affected. 

Without knowing anything at all about the code, two other reasons
spring to mind:

(1) The code has global state that is not reset between registrations.
(2) The registration uses a randomized algorithm.

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