[Insight-users] WrapITK bug: itk.ImageToVTKImageFilter

Charl P. Botha cpbotha at cpbotha.net
Wed Jul 25 07:33:23 EDT 2007

Hi there Jelle,

On 7/17/07, jelle <jelleferinga at gmail.com> wrote:
> import vtk
> from WrapITK import itk
> reverse = itk.ImageToVTKImageFilter.IF2.New()
> # the interpreter directly crashes...

FWIW, in the DeVIDE Python interpreter window I can do the following
without issues:
import vtk
import itk
rev = itk.ImageToVTKImageFilter.IF2.New()

With my current build of VTK (Paraview-3-0 branch) and the same ITK
binaries that you are using, I can also do this in my "normal" python

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