[Insight-users] Curved Planar Reformatting for Vessels

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Mon Jul 30 17:44:14 EDT 2007

Hi Dan,

Very interesting !

...and a very clear way of illustrating
    what you have found.

It already looks like a good
technical report for the Insight Journal :-)

   Thanks for sharing your current results,


Dan Mueller wrote:
> Hi Luis,
> Thanks for your suggestions, the deformable registration examples were 
> most helpful.
> However, I have found using only centerline target landmarks is not 
> sufficient. I must instead specify target landmarks tangential to the 
> path (see the below images):
>      https://fileshare.qut.edu.au/public/muellerd/Input.png (test image)
>     https://fileshare.qut.edu.au/public/muellerd/CenterlineTarget.png 
> (target points along centerline) 
>     https://fileshare.qut.edu.au/public/muellerd/CenterlineDeformed.png 
> (result of deformation using centerline target points)
>     https://fileshare.qut.edu.au/public/muellerd/TangentTarget.png 
> (target points tangential to path)
>     https://fileshare.qut.edu.au/public/muellerd/TangentDeformed.png 
> (result of deformation using tangential target points)
> Now all I need to do is make it n-dimensional friendly...
> Thanks again, Dan
> Luis Ibanez wrote:
>> Hi Dan,
>>   Your suggestion seem to be a good way to go.
>> You can use any of the KernelTransforms along with
>> the ResampleImageFilter.
>> Just feed the TargetLandmarks array with the points
>> that you have in the center line of your vessel image.
>> Set the SourceLandmarks to be located in a simple
>> straight line.
>> Note that the "source" space is where the reformated
>> image will be created. Resampling is done by visiting
>> all the pixels in the "flattened" image and finding
>> their corresponding locations in the original image.
>> The followingg Examples can help you get started:
>>    Insight/Examples/Registration/
>>              ThinPlateSplineWarp.cxx
>>              LandmarkWarping2.cxx
>>    Note that if you want to see the deformation
>>    field (e.g. using ParaView) you may want to
>>    use the "itkDeformationFieldSource" class as
>>    illustrated in the LandmarkWarping2.cxx
>>    example.
>>         This could be a nice paper
>>         for the Insight Journal  :-)
>>    Regards,
>>        Luis
>> --------------------
>> Dan Mueller wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I am interested in visualizing vessels using curved planar 
>>> reformatting (CPR): the vessel is stretched flat along the centerline 
>>> and the surrounds deformed to accommodate.
>>> Does ITK implement curved planar reformatting for 3-D images?
>>> I have been unable to find any existing functions in ITK to achieve 
>>> this easily. The itkExtractOrthogonalSwath2DImageFilter is close, but 
>>> appears to only work on 2-D images. I suspect I might be able to use 
>>> a deformable transform coupled with the itkResampleImageFilter, but 
>>> obviously the difficulty is in specifying the transform kernel given 
>>> an itkPolyLineParametricPath. Currently I am able to extract paths 
>>> representing the centerlines, but I'm stuck as to where to go from 
>>> there. Does anyone have any pointers / ideas?
>>> Thanks for any help.
>>> Cheers, Dan
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