[Insight-users] Kitware stuff on Xcode over Mac Os X

Martin Kavec kavec at messi.uku.fi
Sun Mar 4 16:04:46 EST 2007

On Sunday 04 March 2007 21:16, Francesco Pasqualini wrote:
> hi,
> this is great news. Maybe it's Simple!! :D Thanks a lot
> Now I'm re-installing everything!!! I'm using this tutorial http://
> www.macdevcenter.com/pub/a/mac/2002/06/28/data_visualization.html?
> page=2 changing VTK and ITK in the code lines.
> Can you confirm me that, after this process, I've to do the things
> you said me before?!

To me ccmake is much simpler approach than editing CMakeCache.txt.
After you fetch the data from cvs, make two directories as they suggest:

cd /Develop/osxBin

and now

ccmake -G Xcode ../VTK

As I said, this will create you a valid Xcode project, which you can compile 
using Xcode. You can simply compile the code using "make" if you don't need 
to shuffle around with the Xcode. For that just use

ccmake ../VTK

instead of the the above.


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