[Insight-users] Retrieving coordinates of nodes in mesh

Catherine Peloquin cepeloquin at gmail.com
Thu May 10 13:40:45 EDT 2007

I would like retrieve the x, y, and z coordinates of nodes of the isosurface
mesh generated by the BinaryMask3DMeshSource in the example located in

In answer to the question located at
it was suggested that one could retrieve data points from a PointSet by
using an iterator like that in
Insight/Examples/DataRepresentation/Mesh/PointSet2.cxx.  The relevant part
of that code is shown below:

  PointsIterator  pointIterator = points->Begin();
  PointsIterator end = points->End();
  while( pointIterator != end )
    PointType p = pointIterator.Value();   // access the point
    std::cout << p << std::endl;           // print the point
    ++pointIterator;                       // advance to next point
    std::cout<< "End of points iterator" << std::endl;

My question is how do I modify this to retrieve points located in the mesh?
It seems like pointIterator and end can remain as they are, but points was
set by insterting values and I cannot figure out what the corresponding
variable would be for the mesh.

Thank you for you assistance,
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