[Insight-users] Re: AmoebaOptimizer and VersorRigid3DTransform

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Mon Nov 5 17:45:20 EST 2007

Hi Soosho,

The Amoeba optimizer should also work fine with the
VersorRigid3DTransform, *as long as* you set correctly
the Parameter scales of the Transform parameters.

The Amoeba optimizer still uses Vector-space-like operations
in order to select the new point in the parametric space
where the Metric is going to be evaluated.  Versors do not
form a Vector space, and therefore these operations will be
only approximations of the correct Versors operations.

As long as the steps taken in the Versor space are small,
you might be ok when running the optimizer.  The values
of the coefficients in the array of parameter scales are
the ones that will make possible to ensure that Versor
steps are small (in Radians units).



soosho wrote:
> Hi Dear Luis
> I am trying 3D-3D rigid retgistration. I am using VersorRigid3DTransform
> and MattesMutualInformationImageToImageMetric. As you know
> VersorRigid3DTransformOptimizer should be used as optimizer. I want to
> know is it possible to use AmoebaOptimizer instead?
> Thanks,
> Soosho

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