[Insight-users] Evolution : overall pipeline memory print

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Sun Nov 11 06:48:00 EST 2007

Hi Bill,

This is great !

We can add a static variable to this new class and accumulate
in it all the memory allocation requests for image buffers.

This is also a nice use of the factories, since users could
enable this feature just by putting a share library in the
ITK_AUTOLOAD_PATH, without having to modify the code of their
application in any way, not even having to recompile their


Bill Lorensen wrote:
> Luis,
> I just checked in a test, Testing/Code/Common/itkObjectFactoryTest2,cxx 
> that exercises the factory load from a library code in 
> itkObjectFactoryBase.cxx. The test provides a factory-based 
> ImportImageContainer that does some simple memory allocation reporting. 
> It might stimulate some further ideas on how to report memory usage.
> We'll see if the object loading is portable across ITK systems. I 
> already had to exclude the test from the Borland build because of 
> problems. I'll leave it out of the Borland build until I can track down 
> the problem.
> Bill
> On Nov 9, 2007 11:58 AM, Luis Ibanez <luis.ibanez at kitware.com 
> <mailto:luis.ibanez at kitware.com>> wrote:
>     Hi Julien,
>     We will discuss this topic further today during the ITK tcon.
>     I agree with Karthik that it is not a trivial problem to solve,
>     but also agree with you that it is a problem worth looking at.
>     Images are only going to get bigger...
>     and they will do so a lot faster than computer memory is
>     going to get cheaper.   :-/
>     We have also challenging situations when dealing with microscopy
>     data from sources such as electron microscopy and confocal
>     microscopy...
>     One way of simulating the memory behavior of the pipeline
>     is to overload/intercept the image method Allocate(), and
>     have it report its memory request to a central log, instead
>     of actually allocating the memory, then having the pixel
>     container simulate that it actually have allocated the
>     memory and return a constant (or a random) value for every
>     pixel request. It may be done also by intercepting the
>     method "AllocateElements(size)" in the itkImportImageContainer,
>     which is where the memory allocation is ultimately done.
>     (Note that even the itkVectorImage delegates memory allocation
>      to its internal ImportImageContainer).
>     By running your pipeline in such mode, it will be possible
>     to collect the *actual* memory allocation requests, instead
>     of the *estimated* ones from every filter, that as Karthik
>     pointed out, will be very hard to do in a reliably way for
>     the entire toolkit.
>     In that mode, then you could experiment with different
>     image partition strategies, for example the ones in the
>     StreamingImageFilter.  These strategies are managed by
>     the RegionSplitter classes.  You could by trial an error
>     identify what size of image pieces would make possible
>     to run the pipeline in the amount of memory that is
>     actually available in the hardware.
>     The drawback of this method is that it still will use the
>     CPU time of actually computing the output of the filters,
>     instead of just making a pass to estimate the memory
>     footprint of the toolkit....
>     You may have other ideas on how to implement other
>     memory estimation strategies.
>     We certainly agree that if such functionality is developed
>     it will be much better to add it to ITK than to have it
>     in your local copy of the toolkit.
>        Regards,
>            Luis
>     -------------------------
>     Julien Michel wrote:
>      > Karthik Krishnan a écrit :
>      >
>      >> Julien:
>      >>
>      >> I can understand your issue with being bogged down by memory.
>     However,
>      >> I don't completely agree with your proposed solution. Here are my
>      >> disagreements.
>      >
>      >
>      > Karthik,
>      >
>      > Thanks a lot for your response. I agree with you on the fact that the
>      > GetMemoryPrint() method will not apply to all DataObjects.
>     Regarding the
>      >  step where to call the GetPipelineMemoryPrint() method, I was indeed
>      > planning to do this after a
>      > itk::ProcessObject::GenerateOutputInformation() and a
>      > GenerateInputRequestedRegion() (otherwise it as no meaning at all).
>      > I was hoping that minipipeline would be processed seamlessly by the
>      > recursive call, but maybe I get it wrong.
>      >
>      >  > In that case, we do not know about the run-time pixel sizes as
>      >  > illustrated in point 1. It would work for for images where the
>      >  > pixel-size information is known at build time.
>      >
>      > Well in our toolkit we recommend the use of VectorImage, from
>     which we
>      > can retrieve the pixel number of components afther an
>      > UpdateOutputInformation(), at run time (but before the
>      > UpdateOutputData()). This is not a problem for us because we
>     always have
>      > the same number of components for all pixels (our images beeing
>     acquired
>      > by remote sensors). Anyway I agree that this does not fit the
>     generic case.
>      >
>      > We need to adress this memory problem. The best would be to know the
>      > peak memory usage, but I think we could do well with the overall
>      > pipeline memory usage, even if it is only an estimate that takes
>     into
>      > account only those DataObjects for which we can compute the memory
>      > print. But put this way it sounds more like a workaround and I
>      > understand that ITK would not like to have a workaround stuck
>     into its
>      > very base classes. We would welcome any other suggestion on idea to
>      > solve this problem :o)
>      >
>      > Thanks a lot for your reply, and for ITK itself,
>      >
>      > Best regards,
>      >
>      > Julien MICHEL
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