[Insight-users] Error When Configure ITK...

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Sat Oct 6 10:40:41 EDT 2007

Hi Rashmi,

Please read the Tutorials:


in particular

    "Getting Started with ITK"

The "ITK_DIR" that you should provide is
the binary directory where you build ITK.

Please follow the Step by Step instructions given in
the Tutorial above. They will guide you on how to

   1) Download ITK
   2) configure it with CMake
   3) Build the ITK libraries
   4) Write a sample project using ITK
   5) Configure your sample project with CMake
   6) Build your sample project.

You will also find similar instructions on the
ITK Software Guide




rashmi vaidya wrote:
> Hello,
> During the confuguring of ITK sample i got an error..
> CMake Error:please set ITK_DIR to the directory containing ITKConfig.cmake.
> But i can't find the directory ITK_DIR.. please resolve my problem...
> Thanks
> Rashmi
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