[Insight-users] OTB 1.6 available

Jordi Inglada jordi.inglada at cnes.fr
Fri Oct 26 05:11:27 EDT 2007

       [Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message]

Dear all, 

OTB-1.6.0 is out! 

ORFEO Toolbox (OTB) is an open source library of image processing
algorithms. OTB is based on the medical image processing library ITK and
offers particular functionalities for remote sensing image processing in
general and for high spatial resolution images in particular. OTB is
distributed under a free software licence CeCILL (similar to GPL) to
encourage contribution from users and to promote reproducible research.

You can go to <http://otb.cnes.fr> and follow the download link there. 

With this new release, we have started to seriously pave the road
towards OTB 2.0. As you will notice, the OTB Development Team has worked
very hard in order to make available plenty of very interesting things:

- Geometric sensor modeling, cartographic projections and SRTM/DTED DEM
handling using OSSIM.
- Vegetation indices plus encapsulation of the 6S Radiative Transfer
Code, which will be used in OTB 2.0 for radiometric calibration.
- Integration of external contributions: Bayesian image fusion (J.
Radoux, UCL), Stochastic Expectation Maximization and user defined SVM
kernels (G. Mercier, ENST-Bretagne).
- Several new demo applications: road network extraction, interactive
registration, ortho-registration and enhanced viewer.

The detailed documentation, which now includes a tutorial section, can
be downloaded also from <http://otb.cnes.fr>. The PDF file is 540 pages
long, so think twice before printing it (then, choose not to print it).

For details on what is new in this release, se below:

OTB-v.1.6.0 - Changes since version 1.4.0 (2007/10/25)


	- Added the otbImageViewerManager application which allows to 
          open multiple images, configure viewers and link displays.

	- Added the otbRoadExtraction which demonstrates the road 
          extraction algorithm implemented in the FeatureExtraction 

	- Added the otbOrthoRectifAppli application which allows to 
          ortho rectify images in command line using the brand new 
          Projections module of the Orfeo ToolBox. Old 
	 ortho-rectification application has been moved to 

	- Added an option in CMakeLists.txt to use VTK or not (enable  
          or disable the following application).

	- Added the Pireo registration application (VTK needed).


        - The 6S Transfer Radiative Code compiles within OTB.
	- Added the Radiometry directory, containing everything that  
         has to do with image radiometry.
	- Added the NDVI and ARVI (3 input bands) vegetation index   


	- Added the Projections directory, containing everything that 
          has to do with image projections.
	- Added an otb::DEMHandler to fetch the elevation value in 
          SRTM/DTED  directories.

	- Added an otb::DEMToImageGenerator to generate an elevation 

	- Added an otb::OrthoRectificationFilter to perform 
          orthorectification of geo-referenced images.
	- Added the forward and inverse sensor model projection.

	- Added several map projection transforms (Eckert4, 
          LambertConformalConic, TransMercator, Mollweid, Sinusoidal, 


	- Added the Fusion directory, containing everything that has to 
          do with image fusion.
	- Added the otb::BayesianFusionImageFilter, a pan-sharpening 
          filter which algoritm has been kindly contributed by Julien 


	- Added methods to access the alpha values, the number of 
         support vectors, the support vectors themselves, the distance
to the hyperplanes.

	- Added the otb::SEMClassifier, implementing the Stochastic 
         Expectation Maximization algorithm to perform an estimation of 
         a mixture model.

	- Added the otb::KullbackLeiblerDistanceImageFilter to compute 
         the Kullback-Leibler distance between two images.
	- Added the otb::KullbackLeiblerProfileImageFilter to perform a 
	multi-scale change detection using the Kullback-Leibler  


	- Various name changes and bugfixes in the morphological 
          pyramid segmentation classes.


	- Added StreamingVectorStatisticsImageFilter to compute 
	the second order stastics on a large vector image.

	- Added the MatrixTransposeMatrixImageFilter to compute 
	the product of the matrix of vector pixels from image 1 
	in rowwith the the matrix of vector pixels from image 2 
	columns for large vector image. 

       - Added the otb::VectorImageTo3DScalarImageFilter which       
         transforms a vector image into a 3D scalar image where each 
         band is represented in a layer of the 3rd dimension.

       - Added the otb::ImageListToVectorImageFilter and 
       otb::VectorImageToImageListFilter to convert a vector image 
       from/to an image list.

       - Added the otb::ImageListToImageListApplyFilter which applies a 
        given scalar image filter to a list of images

       - Added the otb::PerBandImageFilter, which applies a given 
        scalar  filter to each band of a VectorImage. This is not the 
        optimal way for most processings but it allows the use of 
        almost every scalar filter on 
        vector images.

       - Added the otb::StreamingResampleImageFilter, which is a 
        streaming capable version of the itk::ResampleImageFilter.

	- Added an otb::Polygon, which represents a closed polyline on 
        which intersection or point interiority can be tested.

	- Added an otb::DEMHandler to fetch the elevation value in 
         SRTMor DTED directories.

	- Added an otb::DEMToImageGenerator to generate an elevation 

	- Added a new tiling streaming mode.

	- Added the otb::ImageGeometryHandler, which allows to handle 
         seamlessly the image geometry information.

	- Fixed a bug in the otb::MSTARImageIO.



	- Added various documented examples in the SoftwareGuide for 
          the new classes.
	- Added a Tutorial section in the SoftwareGuide.


	- Added the 6S library which will soon play a role in the 
          radiometry module.

	- Updated the internal version of ITK to 3.4.0.


	- Fixed the random segfault of 
          otbInteractiveChangeDetectionAppli under Visual 8.0.


Do not hesitate to use the users' list
<http://groups.google.com/group/otb-users> if you need support, or
contact us directly at <otb at cnes.fr>.

Enjoy OTB!


18, avenue Edouard Belin
31401 Toulouse Cedex 09 - France
Tel. +33.(0) - Fax. +33.(0) 

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