[Insight-users] ITK 3.2.0 Build Error on MAC

Sean McBride sean at rogue-research.com
Wed Oct 31 18:28:52 EDT 2007

On 10/31/07 6:08 PM, M. Wirtzfeld said:

>Good day,
>During a MAC build of the Insight Toolkit (Version 3.2.0) I saw this  
>/usr/bin/ld: warning suggest use of -bind_at_load, as lazy binding  
>may result in errors or different symbols being used
>What does this mean and what are my options for change?

Depends.  Which version of Mac OS X?  Which gcc?  Which CMake?  In any
case, I strongly recommend using ITK 3.4.

BTW, it's "Mac" not "MAC".

Sean McBride, B. Eng                 sean at rogue-research.com
Rogue Research                        www.rogue-research.com 
Mac Software Developer              Montréal, Québec, Canada

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