[Insight-users] Level sets with curvature constraint

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Sun Sep 2 10:00:01 EDT 2007

Hi Rashed,

   you can impose curvature constraints with ITK Level Sets.

However, they are not available in the FastMarching filter,
you will find them in the following filters:

  * ShapeDetection
  * GeodesicActiveContour
  * ThresholdLevelSetSegmentation
  * CannyLevelset
  * LaplacianLevelSet

Please read the ITK Software Guide:


in particular

Section 9.3    "Level Set Segmentation", pdf-pages 562-565
Section 9.3.2  "Shape Detection Segmentation", pdf-pages 573-608

You want to pay attention to the relative size of the

   * Propagation Weight
   * Curvature Weight

By increasing the curvature weight, you will prevent
the level set from entering narrow structures.



rashed karim wrote:
> Hi all,
> I want a propogating front which gets penalized for deviating from a 
> level set which has low curvature i.e. stops speeding when the curvature 
> starts becoming high. Basically, I dont want the level set to enter 
> narrow structures such as narrow vessels, etc. Is that possible with 
> ITK's fast marching (or any other) level-set implementation?
> Thanks in advance,
> Regards,
> Rashed karim
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