Re: [Insight-users] About TransformPoint

Tomáš Kazmar Tomash.Kazmar at
Tue Sep 4 06:08:29 EDT 2007

Hi Steven,

  think I found the solution: PointSet<PixelType, Dimension> takes its definition
of PointType and PointContainer from
DefaultStaticMeshTraits<PixelType,Dimension,Dimension>. The problem is that
such DefaultStaticMeshTraits is in fact
where the first of the two floats is the source of your problem.

Define PointSet with explicit MeshTraits template parameter, eg. like this:

typedef itk::PointSet<double,2,itk::DefaultStaticMeshTraits<double,2,2,double>> PointSetType;

This way the PointSet will use double for its TCoordRep.


# ------------ Původní zpráva ------------
# Od: Steven ITK <itklearner at>
# Předmět: Re: [Insight-users] About TransformPoint
# Datum: 04.9.2007 08:11:17
# ----------------------------------------
# Hi Luis,
# Maybe the following is the full error message:
# //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
# for Method 1: Use TransformMeshFilter<PointSetType, PointSetType,
# TransformType>
# 1>c:\steven\installation\itk\insighttoolkit-
# 3.2.0\code\basicfilters\itktransformmeshfilter.txx(95) : error C2664:
# 'itk::MatrixOffsetTransformBase<TScalarType,NInputDimensions,NOutputDimensions>::TransformPoint'
# : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'const
# itk::Point<TCoordRep,NPointDimension>' to 'const
# itk::Point<TCoordRep,NPointDimension> &'
# 1>        with
# 1>        [
# 1>            TScalarType=double,
# 1>            NInputDimensions=3,
# 1>            NOutputDimensions=3
# 1>        ]
# 1>        and
# 1>        [
# 1>            TCoordRep=float,
# 1>            NPointDimension=3
# 1>        ]
# 1>        and
# 1>        [
# 1>            TCoordRep=double,
# 1>            NPointDimension=3
# 1>        ]
# 1>        Reason: cannot convert from 'const
# itk::Point<TCoordRep,NPointDimension>' to 'const
# itk::Point<TCoordRep,NPointDimension>'
# 1>        with
# 1>        [
# 1>            TCoordRep=float,
# 1>            NPointDimension=3
# 1>        ]
# 1>        and
# 1>        [
# 1>            TCoordRep=double,
# 1>            NPointDimension=3
# 1>        ]
# 1>        No user-defined-conversion operator available that can perform
# this conversion, or the operator cannot be called
# 1>        c:\steven\installation\itk\insighttoolkit-
# 3.2.0\code\basicfilters\itktransformmeshfilter.txx (60) : while compiling
# class template member function 'void
# itk::TransformMeshFilter<TInputMesh,TOutputMesh,TTransform>::GenerateData(void)'
# 1>        with
# 1>        [
# 1>            TInputMesh=PointSetType,
# 1>            TOutputMesh=PointSetType,
# 1>            TTransform=TransformType
# 1>        ]
# 1>        c:\steven\gdc\segmentation.cpp(1362) : see reference to class
# template instantiation
# 'itk::TransformMeshFilter<TInputMesh,TOutputMesh,TTransform>' being compiled
# 1>        with
# 1>        [
# 1>            TInputMesh=PointSetType,
# 1>            TOutputMesh=PointSetType,
# 1>            TTransform=TransformType
# 1>        ]
# 1>c:\steven\installation\itk\insighttoolkit-
# 3.2.0\code\basicfilters\itktransformmeshfilter.txx(105) : error C2039:
# 'SetCellLinks' : is not a member of 'itk::PointSet<TPixelType,VDimension>'
# 1>        with
# 1>        [
# 1>            TPixelType=double,
# 1>            VDimension=3
# 1>        ]
# 1>c:\steven\installation\itk\insighttoolkit-
# 3.2.0\code\basicfilters\itktransformmeshfilter.txx(105) : error C2039:
# 'GetCellLinks' : is not a member of 'itk::PointSet<TPixelType,VDimension>'
# 1>        with
# 1>        [
# 1>            TPixelType=double,
# 1>            VDimension=3
# 1>        ]
# 1>c:\steven\installation\itk\insighttoolkit-
# 3.2.0\code\basicfilters\itktransformmeshfilter.txx (107) : error C2039:
# 'SetCells' : is not a member of 'itk::PointSet<TPixelType,VDimension>'
# 1>        with
# 1>        [
# 1>            TPixelType=double,
# 1>            VDimension=3
# 1>        ]
# 1>c:\steven\installation\itk\insighttoolkit-
# 3.2.0\code\basicfilters\itktransformmeshfilter.txx(107) : error C2039:
# 'GetCells' : is not a member of 'itk::PointSet<TPixelType,VDimension>'
# 1>        with
# 1>        [
# 1>            TPixelType=double,
# 1>            VDimension=3
# 1>        ]
# 1>c:\steven\installation\itk\insighttoolkit-
# 3.2.0\code\basicfilters\itktransformmeshfilter.txx (108) : error C2039:
# 'SetCellData' : is not a member of 'itk::PointSet<TPixelType,VDimension>'
# 1>        with
# 1>        [
# 1>            TPixelType=double,
# 1>            VDimension=3
# 1>        ]
# 1>c:\steven\installation\itk\insighttoolkit-
# 3.2.0\code\basicfilters\itktransformmeshfilter.txx(108) : error C2039:
# 'GetCellData' : is not a member of 'itk::PointSet<TPixelType,VDimension>'
# 1>        with
# 1>        [
# 1>            TPixelType=double,
# 1>            VDimension=3
# 1>        ]
# 1>c:\steven\installation\itk\insighttoolkit-
# 3.2.0\code\basicfilters\itktransformmeshfilter.txx (111) : error C2039:
# 'MaxTopologicalDimension' : is not a member of
# 'itk::PointSet<TPixelType,VDimension>'
# 1>        with
# 1>        [
# 1>            TPixelType=double,
# 1>            VDimension=3
# 1>        ]
# 1>c:\steven\installation\itk\insighttoolkit-
# 3.2.0\code\basicfilters\itktransformmeshfilter.txx(111) : error C2065:
# 'MaxTopologicalDimension' : undeclared identifier
# 1>c:\steven\installation\itk\insighttoolkit-
# 3.2.0\code\basicfilters\itktransformmeshfilter.txx(115) : error C2039:
# 'SetBoundaryAssignments' : is not a member of
# 'itk::PointSet<TPixelType,VDimension>'
# 1>        with
# 1>        [
# 1>            TPixelType=double,
# 1>            VDimension=3
# 1>        ]
# 1>c:\steven\installation\itk\insighttoolkit-
# 3.2.0\code\basicfilters\itktransformmeshfilter.txx(116) : error C2039:
# 'GetBoundaryAssignments' : is not a member of
# 'itk::PointSet<TPixelType,VDimension>'
# 1>        with
# 1>        [
# 1>            TPixelType=double,
# 1>            VDimension=3
# 1>        ]
# 1>Build log was saved at "file://c:\Steven\GDC\Debug\BuildLog.htm "
# 1>GDC - 11 error(s), 0 warning(s)
# ========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 1 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
# //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
# For Method 2: : Use TransformPoint for each individual point
# 1>c:\steven\gdc\GDC.cpp(1379) : error C2664:
# 'itk::MatrixOffsetTransformBase<TScalarType,NInputDimensions,NOutputDimensions>::TransformPoint'
# : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'PointType' to 'const
# itk::Point<TCoordRep,NPointDimension> &'
# 1>        with
# 1>        [
# 1>            TScalarType=double,
# 1>            NInputDimensions=3,
# 1>            NOutputDimensions=3
# 1>        ]
# 1>        and
# 1>        [
# 1>            TCoordRep=double,
# 1>            NPointDimension=3
# 1>        ]
# 1>        Reason: cannot convert from 'PointType' to 'const
# itk::Point<TCoordRep,NPointDimension>'
# 1>        with
# 1>        [
# 1>            TCoordRep=double,
# 1>            NPointDimension=3
# 1>        ]
# 1>        No user-defined-conversion operator available that can perform
# this conversion, or the operator cannot be called
# 1>Build log was saved at "file://c:\Steven\GDC\Debug\BuildLog.htm"
# //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
# I noticed that in the  error message for Method 1, one TCoordRep is float
# type,
# 1>        and
# 1>        [
# 1>            TCoordRep=float,
# 1>            NPointDimension=3
# 1>        ]
# but I don't know what I should do to change it to double.
# Thank you.
# Regards,
# Steven

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