[Insight-users] how to update the content of an image

Bert albermnz at gmail.com
Wed Apr 23 17:23:30 EDT 2008

Dear all,

I would like to update the content of an image. I read an
image from a file and then this image is passed, as an
argument, in the itkGrayscaleDilateFilter. The output of
this filter is then modificated and passed again in the
 itkGrayscaleDilateFilter.How can I update the new content
ok ReaderMk(see the code)?

InputImageType::Pointer mk = InputImageType::New();
mk = readerMk->GetOutput();
IteratorType mkIt( mk, mk->GetRequestedRegion() );


  grayscaleDilate->SetKernel( structuringElement );

  for (int i =0; i<2; i++)
      grayscaleDilate->SetInput( readerMk->GetOutput() );    //I would like
to update the readerMk

          for ( markerIt.GoToBegin(); ! markerIt.IsAtEnd();
          while ( ! mkIt.IsAtEndOfLine() )
              mkIt.Set( false );
      readerMk->Update();     //Do I need to add something else?

Thanks a lot for your help
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