[Insight-users] Gradient computation bug in SingleValuedVnlCostFunctionAdaptor when scales are used (patch included)

Tom Vercauteren tom.vercauteren at m4x.org
Thu Apr 24 13:38:51 EDT 2008

Hi Luis,

Thanks for your fast answer. Below are some comments.

>  However, that was not the intent of introducing the scaling
>  in these classes.
As far as I understand it, there really is not other easy option than
the patch I propose. If vnl works on a scaled function, it needs a
well-scaled derivative. I understand that different optimizers handles
scales differently but for vnl the problem is different. Assuming that
we don't modify the entire vnl optimization framework, I think that
the only way for vnl_optimizers to access a well-scaled derivative is
through the cost function wrapper.

>  The motivation for this scaling operation was to extend the
>  functionality of VNL optimizers to be usable with domains outside
>  of the cannonical [-1:+1] domain.
>  Since these functions are used for the purpose of optimization,
>  we intended simply to shrink (or expand) the domain of the original
>  problem in order to map to the [-1:+1] that the algorithmic
>  implementation of vnl optimizers expect.
I couldn't agree more.

>  Take for example,
>  the itkAmoebaOptimizer.cxx:
I would consider the AmoebaOptimizer optimizer as a bad example as it
is not meant to use any derivative information.

>   it its call to GetValue() in line 84, it uses the scales
>   to multiply the parameters *before* they are passes to
>   the cost function.
>      84:      parameters[i] *= scales[i];
>   In its call to StartOptimization(), before invoking the
>   VNL optimizer, we scale the parameters of the transform
>     218:       parameters[i] *= scales[i];
>   then we invoke the VNL optimizer
>     227:      m_VnlOptimizer->minimize( parameters );
>    and then we restore the scale of the transform parameters
>    242:       parameters[i] /= scales[i];
>  The goal, is to create a situation where the VNL optimizer
>  "thinks" that is optimizing a function whose domain is close
>  to [-1:+1], as VNL algorithms expect or assume.
Sure but it should be exactly the same for the derivatives. The

>      At this point, we could make this correction,
>      but this may require to recalibrate the parameters
>      of most of image registration examples and tests
>      that use VNL optimizers...
You can actually try the vnl_lbfgs optimizer and let hime check the
derivatives by using:

You'll see him complaining...

>  Have you run an experimental build with this change
>  to evaluate the impact of the modification ?
I am currently evaluating it. With the patch, Testing/Code/Numerics
still compiles and run without any failings.

Furthermore my code now works.

>  The operation is not done in the same way either across optimizers.
>  For example,
>  if you look at the GradientDescent and RegularStepGradientDescent
>  optimizers, the scales are applied only to the *resulting* gradient
>  vector returned from the cost function, and then, the resulting vector
>  is used during the computation of the step to be taken. In these two
>  optimizers, the scale factor is not used for feeding the values
>  inside the cost function.
Yes but these are not vnl optimizers.

I would actually vote for using a scaling wrapper for all the
optimizers. Then the scale would be used in a consistent manner.
Something like that is already done in elastix which is built on top
of ITK:

As a side note, I definitely think that an extensive evaluation of the
optimizers available in ITK would be a great contribution. I have been
struggling with most of them and haven't yet found one that suited my
needs.  The only one close to pleasing me was the FRPRoptimizer
including the numerical recipes code (ITK 3.0 I think). Alas it was
not usable because of copyright issues.

This explains why I am now moving to using the vnl optimizers directly...

Hope this helps,

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