[Insight-users] Kd-tree implementation in ITK is buggy and unreliable

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Fri Apr 25 12:59:39 EDT 2008

Hi Ali,

An update on the KdTree segmentation fault
(that may or may not be related to the problem that you observe).

This test is running the example tree provided in the Wikipedia

We are feeding the set of points:

          (2,3), (5,4), (9,6), (4,7), (8,1), (7,2)

and expecting to get the tree:

                   /  \
                  /    \
              (5,4)    (9,6)
                /\       \
               /  \       \
              /    \       \
           (2,3)  (4,7)    (8,1)

Here is what we currently observe as output for different
bucket sizes:


Case BucketSize == 1:

The segmentation fault of itkKdTreeTest2 with BucketSize==1
happens because the recursive function:

      KdTreeGenerator::GenerateTreeLoop()  (line 179)

ends up calling itself indifinitely, until it overflows the stack.
It enter in an infinite (recursive) loop calling:

    GenerateTreeLoop( 0, 0, level++)
    GenerateTreeLoop( 0, 2, level++)
    GenerateTreeLoop( 0, 0, level++)
    GenerateTreeLoop( 0, 2, level++)
    GenerateTreeLoop( 0, 0, level++)
    GenerateTreeLoop( 0, 2, level++)

where "0" and "2" here are the indexes of the points in the sample.


Case BucketSize == 2:

The segmentation fault of itkKdTreeTest2 with BucketSize==2
happens also because the recursive function:

      KdTreeGenerator::GenerateTreeLoop()  (line 179)

ends up calling itself indifinitely, until it overflows the stack.
It enter in an infinite (recursive) loop calling:

    GenerateTreeLoop( 3, 3, level++)
    GenerateTreeLoop( 3, 6, level++)
    GenerateTreeLoop( 3, 3, level++)
    GenerateTreeLoop( 3, 6, level++)
    GenerateTreeLoop( 3, 3, level++)
    GenerateTreeLoop( 3, 6, level++)

where "3" and "6" here are the indexes of the points in the sample.


Case BucketSize == 3:

When using a bucket size of 3, the function GenerateTreeLoop()
is being called only once, but it generates the following tree

                   /  \
                  /    \
      [(2,3),(4,7)]     NTN
                       /  \
                      /    \
                  [(8,1)]     [ (7,2) (5,4) (9,6)]

Where "NTN" stands for "non-terminal node".
and the groups with parenthesis "[ ]" represent buckets.

That is a first plane dividing the space at X=4.5
One bucket on the left for points with X values < 4.5
and on the right, a second plane dividing the space
at Y = 1.5, to create on bucket on the left with (8,1)
and on the right another bucket with points with Y values
larger than 1.5, namely: [ (7,2) (5,4) (9,6)]


Case BucketSize == 4:

When using a bucket size of 4 , the function GenerateTreeLoop()
is being called three times, and it generates the following tree

                   /  \
                  /    \
      [(2,3),(4,7)]     [(8,1) (7,2) (5,4) (9,6)]

That is a single plane dividing the space at X=4.5


In  either case,
the partition is not what we could expect from a KdTree...

Just to clarify, the real problem seems to be in the
implementation of the algorithm in the KdTreeGenerator,
not in the KdTree class itself...


Luis Ibanez wrote:
> Hi Ali,
> Thanks for the additinonal information.
>      Yeap, the algorithm should work regardless
>      of the bucket size. That one was a false alarm.
> I'm tracking now the cases where itkKdTreeTest2 segfaults
> with a bucket size == 2.  Hopefully this will illuminate
> at least part of the problem.
>   Thanks
>      Luis
> ---------------
> Ali - wrote:
>> Luis,
>> I used a bucket size of 16 with about 100 particles. Like you 
>> mentioned, the algorithm must work fine independent of these parameters.
>> -Ali
>>> Hi Ali,
>>> Could you please report
>>>   1) How many points (measurement vectors) are you
>>>      currently feeding into the KdTreeGenerator ?
>>> and
>>>   2) What value of "BucketSize" did you use ?
>>> The problem reported in the bug
>>> http://public.kitware.com/Bug/view.php?id=5082
>>> Seems to be simply the result of a poor choice
>>> on the value of the bucket size parameter.
>>> For the test case reported in that bug, increasing
>>> the value from 16 to 30 solves the problem.
>>> We are wondering if the problem that you are
>>> experiencing is also the result of poor parameter
>>> setting.
>>>    Please let us know,
>>>       Thanks
>>>           Luis
>>> ------------
>>> Ali - wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> A quick search in the mailing list shows that, during the past half 
>>>> a decade, it has been reported many times that the kd-tree classes 
>>>> in ITK are buggy. Writing some library based on ITK, it took me a 
>>>> few days to find out that the bug in my library is actually 
>>>> introduced by the kd-tree implementation in ITK which FINDS THE 
>>>> I have no idea, against many warnings from the users, why the bug 
>>>> has not been resolved yet. In the case it is difficult to address 
>>>> the bug, one option is to wrap many other existing implementations, 
>>>> personally I switched to libkdtree++.
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