[Insight-users] statistics on irregular region of interest in an image

Anja Ende anja.ende at googlemail.com
Tue Apr 29 05:53:37 EDT 2008

Hi everyone,

I want to do statistics on a region defined by the user... However,
the ROI is not a simple elliptical or rectangular shape and is
irregular. I have implemented methods that gets the connected points.

I was going through the ITK documentation and itk has something called
the BlobSpatialFilter which is prefect for defining such a boundary
for a ROI. However, the problem is that there seems to be no way to
attach this to an image... i.e. you have to fill the object yourself.

Is there a way where I can define such a boundary object, set the
reference to the image that it should use and then use something like
the itk::SpatialObjectToImageStatisticsCalculator object to get the
statistical parameters out?

Would really appreciate some help on this.


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