[Insight-users] Example code crashes when compiled in release mode

Vikren Sarkar vikmonster at hotmail.com
Sat Aug 9 16:27:05 EDT 2008

Good afternoon,  I am using Visual C++ 2008 Express to try to compile some of the example code from ITK. I took the imageregistration8.cxx code as is with no modification whatsoever except for renaming it to RR.cxx, and used the following cmake file to create a project:  cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.4)# This project is designed to be built outside the Insight source tree.PROJECT(RR)# Find ITK.FIND_PACKAGE(ITK REQUIRED)IF(ITK_FOUND)  INCLUDE(${ITK_USE_FILE})ENDIF(ITK_FOUND)ADD_EXECUTABLE(RR RR.cxx )TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(RR ITKIO ITKNumerics ITKStatistics)When I build the project in debug mode, everything works except that a single iteration with the example files takes about 2 minutes (on an AMD Turion x2 at 1.9 GHz with 2 GB of RAM). One of my advisors suggested I compile in release mode to speed things up. The file compiles with no errors or warnings. However, when I run it, it crashes and and just asks whether I want to report it to Microsoft. 
I ran the file through dependency walker and the report is as follows:  Starting profile on 8/9/2008 at 2:26:13 PMOperating System: Microsoft Windows XP Professional (32-bit), version 5.01.2600 Service Pack 2Program Executable: c:\itktest\release\RR.EXEProgram Arguments: Starting Directory: C:\ITKTest\Release\Search Path: C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2007b\bin;C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2007b\bin\win32;C:\Program Files\CMake 2.6\bin;C:\Program Files\ITKOptions Selected:Simulate ShellExecute by inserting any App Paths directories into the PATH environment variable.Log DllMain calls for process attach and process detach messages.Hook the process to gather more detailed dependency information.Log LoadLibrary function calls.Log GetProcAddress function calls.Log debug output messages.Automatically open and profile child processes.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Started 'RR.EXE' (process 0xBEC) at address 0x00400000. Successfully hooked module.Loaded 'NTDLL.DLL' at address 0x7C900000. Successfully hooked module.Loaded 'KERNEL32.DLL' at address 0x7C800000. Successfully hooked module.DllMain(0x7C900000, DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, 0x00000000) in 'NTDLL.DLL' called.DllMain(0x7C900000, DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, 0x00000000) in 'NTDLL.DLL' returned 1 (0x1).DllMain(0x7C800000, DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, 0x00000000) in 'KERNEL32.DLL' called.DllMain(0x7C800000, DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, 0x00000000) in 'KERNEL32.DLL' returned 1 (0x1).Injected 'DEPENDS.DLL' at address 0x08370000.DllMain(0x08370000, DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, 0x00000000) in 'DEPENDS.DLL' called.DllMain(0x08370000, DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, 0x00000000) in 'DEPENDS.DLL' returned 1 (0x1).Loaded 'ITKCOMMON.DLL' at address 0x10000000. Successfully hooked module.Loaded 'USER32.DLL' at address 0x7E410000. Successfully hooked module.Loaded 'GDI32.DLL' at address 0x77F10000. Successfully hooked module.Loaded 'MSVCP90D.DLL' at address 0x10480000. Successfully hooked module.Loaded 'MSVCR90D.DLL' at address 0x00240000. Successfully hooked module.Loaded 'ADVAPI32.DLL' at address 0x77DD0000. Successfully hooked module.Loaded 'RPCRT4.DLL' at address 0x77E70000. Successfully hooked module.Loaded 'SECUR32.DLL' at address 0x77FE0000. Successfully hooked module.Loaded 'WSOCK32.DLL' at address 0x71AD0000. Successfully hooked module.Loaded 'WS2_32.DLL' at address 0x71AB0000. Successfully hooked module.Loaded 'MSVCRT.DLL' at address 0x77C10000. Successfully hooked module.Loaded 'WS2HELP.DLL' at address 0x71AA0000. Successfully hooked module.Loaded 'SNMPAPI.DLL' at address 0x71F60000. Successfully hooked module.Loaded 'MSVCP90.DLL' at address 0x78480000. Successfully hooked module.Loaded 'MSVCR90.DLL' at address 0x78520000. Successfully hooked module.Entrypoint reached. All implicit modules have been loaded.DllMain(0x77F10000, DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, 0x011CFD30) in 'GDI32.DLL' called.DllMain(0x77F10000, DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, 0x011CFD30) in 'GDI32.DLL' returned 1 (0x1).DllMain(0x7E410000, DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, 0x011CFD30) in 'USER32.DLL' called.DllMain(0x7E410000, DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, 0x011CFD30) in 'USER32.DLL' returned 1 (0x1).DllMain(0x00240000, DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, 0x011CFD30) in 'MSVCR90D.DLL' called.GetProcAddress(0x7C800000 [KERNEL32.DLL], 'FlsAlloc') called from 'MSVCR90D.DLL' at address 0x0027E339 and returned NULL. Error: The specified procedure could not be found (127).GetProcAddress(0x7C800000 [KERNEL32.DLL], 'FlsGetValue') called from 'MSVCR90D.DLL' at address 0x0027E34D and returned NULL. Error: The specified procedure could not be found (127).GetProcAddress(0x7C800000 [KERNEL32.DLL], 'FlsSetValue') called from 'MSVCR90D.DLL' at address 0x0027E361 and returned NULL. Error: The specified procedure could not be found (127).GetProcAddress(0x7C800000 [KERNEL32.DLL], 'FlsFree') called from 'MSVCR90D.DLL' at address 0x0027E375 and returned NULL. Error: The specified procedure could not be found (127).GetProcAddress(0x7C800000 [KERNEL32.DLL], 'EncodePointer') called from 'MSVCR90D.DLL' at address 0x0027E0DC and returned 0x7C913917.GetProcAddress(0x7C800000 [KERNEL32.DLL], 'EncodePointer') called from 'MSVCR90D.DLL' at address 0x0027E0DC and returned 0x7C913917.GetProcAddress(0x7C800000 [KERNEL32.DLL], 'EncodePointer') called from 'MSVCR90D.DLL' at address 0x0027E0DC and returned 0x7C913917.GetProcAddress(0x7C800000 [KERNEL32.DLL], 'EncodePointer') called from 'MSVCR90D.DLL' at address 0x0027E0DC and returned 0x7C913917.GetProcAddress(0x7C800000 [KERNEL32.DLL], 'EncodePointer') called from 'MSVCR90D.DLL' at address 0x0027E0DC and returned 0x7C913917.GetProcAddress(0x7C800000 [KERNEL32.DLL], 'EncodePointer') called from 'MSVCR90D.DLL' at address 0x0027E0DC and returned 0x7C913917.GetProcAddress(0x7C800000 [KERNEL32.DLL], 'EncodePointer') called from 'MSVCR90D.DLL' at address 0x0027E0DC and returned 0x7C913917.GetProcAddress(0x7C800000 [KERNEL32.DLL], 'DecodePointer') called from 'MSVCR90D.DLL' at address 0x0027E1DC and returned 0x7C91393D.GetProcAddress(0x7C800000 [KERNEL32.DLL], 'DecodePointer') called from 'MSVCR90D.DLL' at address 0x0027E1DC and returned 0x7C91393D.GetProcAddress(0x7C800000 [KERNEL32.DLL], 'EncodePointer') called from 'MSVCR90D.DLL' at address 0x0027E5DB and returned 0x7C913917.GetProcAddress(0x7C800000 [KERNEL32.DLL], 'DecodePointer') called from 'MSVCR90D.DLL' at address 0x0027E5F3 and returned 0x7C91393D.GetProcAddress(0x7C800000 [KERNEL32.DLL], 'IsProcessorFeaturePresent') called from 'MSVCR90D.DLL' at address 0x00335A0B and returned 0x7C80AE2A.GetProcAddress(0x7C800000 [KERNEL32.DLL], 'FindActCtxSectionStringW') called from 'MSVCR90D.DLL' at address 0x0027CA3A and returned 0x7C82FD4C.DllMain(0x00240000, DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, 0x011CFD30) in 'MSVCR90D.DLL' returned 1 (0x1).DllMain(0x10480000, DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, 0x011CFD30) in 'MSVCP90D.DLL' called.DllMain(0x10480000, DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, 0x011CFD30) in 'MSVCP90D.DLL' returned 1 (0x1).DllMain(0x77FE0000, DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, 0x011CFD30) in 'SECUR32.DLL' called.DllMain(0x77FE0000, DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, 0x011CFD30) in 'SECUR32.DLL' returned 1 (0x1).DllMain(0x77E70000, DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, 0x011CFD30) in 'RPCRT4.DLL' called.DllMain(0x77E70000, DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, 0x011CFD30) in 'RPCRT4.DLL' returned 1 (0x1).DllMain(0x77DD0000, DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, 0x011CFD30) in 'ADVAPI32.DLL' called.DllMain(0x77DD0000, DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, 0x011CFD30) in 'ADVAPI32.DLL' returned 1 (0x1).DllMain(0x10000000, DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, 0x011CFD30) in 'ITKCOMMON.DLL' called.DllMain(0x10000000, DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, 0x011CFD30) in 'ITKCOMMON.DLL' returned 1 (0x1).DllMain(0x77C10000, DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, 0x011CFD30) in 'MSVCRT.DLL' called.GetProcAddress(0x7C800000 [KERNEL32.DLL], 'InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount') called from 'MSVCRT.DLL' at address 0x77C379C2 and returned 0x7C80B829.DllMain(0x77C10000, DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, 0x011CFD30) in 'MSVCRT.DLL' returned 1 (0x1).DllMain(0x71AA0000, DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, 0x011CFD30) in 'WS2HELP.DLL' called.DllMain(0x71AA0000, DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, 0x011CFD30) in 'WS2HELP.DLL' returned 1 (0x1).DllMain(0x71AB0000, DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, 0x011CFD30) in 'WS2_32.DLL' called.DllMain(0x71AB0000, DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, 0x011CFD30) in 'WS2_32.DLL' returned 1 (0x1).DllMain(0x71AD0000, DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, 0x011CFD30) in 'WSOCK32.DLL' called.DllMain(0x71AD0000, DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, 0x011CFD30) in 'WSOCK32.DLL' returned 1 (0x1).DllMain(0x71F60000, DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, 0x011CFD30) in 'SNMPAPI.DLL' called.DllMain(0x71F60000, DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, 0x011CFD30) in 'SNMPAPI.DLL' returned 1 (0x1).DllMain(0x78520000, DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, 0x011CFD30) in 'MSVCR90.DLL' called.GetProcAddress(0x7C800000 [KERNEL32.DLL], 'FlsAlloc') called from 'MSVCR90.DLL' at address 0x78543ACC and returned NULL. Error: The specified procedure could not be found (127).GetProcAddress(0x7C800000 [KERNEL32.DLL], 'FlsGetValue') called from 'MSVCR90.DLL' at address 0x78543AD9 and returned NULL. Error: The specified procedure could not be found (127).GetProcAddress(0x7C800000 [KERNEL32.DLL], 'FlsSetValue') called from 'MSVCR90.DLL' at address 0x78543AE6 and returned NULL. Error: The specified procedure could not be found (127).GetProcAddress(0x7C800000 [KERNEL32.DLL], 'FlsFree') called from 'MSVCR90.DLL' at address 0x78543AF3 and returned NULL. Error: The specified procedure could not be found (127).GetProcAddress(0x7C800000 [KERNEL32.DLL], 'EncodePointer') called from 'MSVCR90.DLL' at address 0x785435E2 and returned 0x7C913917.GetProcAddress(0x7C800000 [KERNEL32.DLL], 'EncodePointer') called from 'MSVCR90.DLL' at address 0x785435E2 and returned 0x7C913917.GetProcAddress(0x7C800000 [KERNEL32.DLL], 'EncodePointer') called from 'MSVCR90.DLL' at address 0x785435E2 and returned 0x7C913917.GetProcAddress(0x7C800000 [KERNEL32.DLL], 'EncodePointer') called from 'MSVCR90.DLL' at address 0x785435E2 and returned 0x7C913917.GetProcAddress(0x7C800000 [KERNEL32.DLL], 'EncodePointer') called from 'MSVCR90.DLL' at address 0x785435E2 and returned 0x7C913917.GetProcAddress(0x7C800000 [KERNEL32.DLL], 'EncodePointer') called from 'MSVCR90.DLL' at address 0x785435E2 and returned 0x7C913917.GetProcAddress(0x7C800000 [KERNEL32.DLL], 'EncodePointer') called from 'MSVCR90.DLL' at address 0x785435E2 and returned 0x7C913917.GetProcAddress(0x7C800000 [KERNEL32.DLL], 'DecodePointer') called from 'MSVCR90.DLL' at address 0x78543667 and returned 0x7C91393D.GetProcAddress(0x7C800000 [KERNEL32.DLL], 'DecodePointer') called from 'MSVCR90.DLL' at address 0x78543667 and returned 0x7C91393D.GetProcAddress(0x7C800000 [KERNEL32.DLL], 'EncodePointer') called from 'MSVCR90.DLL' at address 0x7854379B and returned 0x7C913917.GetProcAddress(0x7C800000 [KERNEL32.DLL], 'DecodePointer') called from 'MSVCR90.DLL' at address 0x785437AB and returned 0x7C91393D.GetProcAddress(0x7C800000 [KERNEL32.DLL], 'IsProcessorFeaturePresent') called from 'MSVCR90.DLL' at address 0x785A34FB and returned 0x7C80AE2A.GetProcAddress(0x7C800000 [KERNEL32.DLL], 'FindActCtxSectionStringW') called from 'MSVCR90.DLL' at address 0x78542822 and returned 0x7C82FD4C.DllMain(0x78520000, DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, 0x011CFD30) in 'MSVCR90.DLL' returned 1 (0x1).DllMain(0x78480000, DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, 0x011CFD30) in 'MSVCP90.DLL' called.DllMain(0x78480000, DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, 0x011CFD30) in 'MSVCP90.DLL' returned 1 (0x1).Exited 'RR.EXE' (process 0xBEC) with code -1073740777 (0xC0000417).--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Could anyone please help me determine what is wrong? Also, is it normal for the debug mode code to take that long to run? Am I missing something big here?  If this has been addressed before, please feel free to point me to the answer. I have tried to solve this by myself for a while but feel like I am just running my head into a wall. Any help or pointers would be welcome. Thank you.  Vik 
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