[Insight-users] Using ITK and VTK Link Problem

wassim_belhadj at topnet.tn wassim_belhadj at topnet.tn
Mon Aug 18 03:24:06 EDT 2008

Dear list

I'am using VTK 5.0.2 build with Microsoft visual Studio 8. It works
Now I want to use ITK 3.0.0 for Segmentation so i Build it using CMAKE and
Microsoft visual Studio 8.  
Build succeeded ...

Unfortunately when i try to build the InsightApplications examples in 3D
segmentation  (Auxiliary / vtk / itkReadITKImage3DSegmentShowVTK.cxx) I
have always link problem like :

ITKIO.lib(itkVTKImageIO.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
"public: static void __cdecl itk::LightObject::operator delete(void *)"
(??3LightObject at itk@@SAXPAX at Z) referenced in function "protected: void
__thiscall std::vector<long,class std::allocator<long> 

vtkRendering.lib(vtkAbstractPropPicker.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved
external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall
vtkObjectBase::Register(class vtkObjectBase *)"
(?Register at vtkObjectBase@@UAEXPAV1@@Z)

NB: I included all the path of these library needed to build solution.

    I am using ITK 3.0.0 with VTK 5.0.2 

Thanks in advance

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