[Insight-users] Segmentation region identification

David Dubois dubois at enst.fr
Tue Aug 26 03:08:21 EDT 2008

Hi Luis,

That is the filter I tried, but it seems to be labelling regions of the
same size with the same label.  It gives me less than 10 labels for an
image with more than 100 separated regions.


Luis Ibanez wrote:
> Hi David,
> You may want to look at the filter:
> http://www.itk.org/Insight/Doxygen/html/classitk_1_1RelabelComponentImageFilter.html
> Regards,
>     Luis
> ------------------
> David Dubois wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Let's say I have a level-set segmentation and now have a label image
>> were each region is separated from the others by a background label and
>> region of identical size have the same label value.
>> Is it possible using ITK to relabel each region in order to UNIQUELY
>> identify each region regardless of size?  Or is there a way to get
>> individual objects without this relabelling?
>> Thank you!
>> DD
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