[Insight-users] Watersheds performace in Debug mode

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Wed Aug 27 08:11:51 EDT 2008

Hi Wassim,

If your computer has only 1Gb or RAM, the program is swapping
memory to disk, and that's the reason for it to take so long.
You can easily verify this by looking at the "Task Manager" if
you are using Windows, of by looking at the System Information
tool if you are lucky enough to be using Linux.   :-)

As I described in a previous email to Sara, this program peaks
above 1Gb when run on the Patient01.mhd dataset.

Please use a smaller dataset and let us know who it works for you.



wassim_belhadj at topnet.tn wrote:
> Hi 
> I tried  the wathershed segmentation example applied to "Patient01" from
> http://public.kitware.com/pub/itk/Data/LiverTumor/.
> The code still running as it get stuck in a loop. I used 0.001 for
> threshold and 0.1 for the level parameter.
> My CPU is Pentium 4, 3.00Ghz and 1Gb of Ram
> How have you been able to Operate the example ?
> I need Your Help Please.

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