[Insight-users] The ITK Snap

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Tue Dec 2 15:46:45 EST 2008

Hi Amir,

1) Have you tried reading the STL file with ParaView ?

2) MRI intensity values are not normalized, not even
    across the same image (due to the magnetic field
    inhomogeneities).  You may want to apply first a
    bias field correction method.

3) You could, as you suggest, use methods based on
    edge detection, rather than absolute intensity
    values.  In this front, you may want to explore
    other LevelSet methods, (e.g. FastMarching,
    Shape Detection,  Geodesic Active Contours...)



amir wrote:
> Hello All Dear:
> I am making the Knee MRI based model, with the ITK-Snap, but I have 2 
> problems:
> 1- I was making Segmentation with Image Intensity module, and then I 
> Updated the maesh after adding
> bubble in Automated Segmenttation, but when I wanted to save the model, 
> finaly, I used the ,File/ Save/
> Segmentation Mesh , then the window was appeared and asked the file 
> name, and the File type that I want
> to be exported, and I sellected  the STL File type, but after saving, I 
> checked the expoted file with the as
> Solidworks 2008, It Doesn't read this file , and send error, and It 
> conclouded that this file was not expoted
> as STL File, then Can You Direct Me, Please.
> 2- As You know in knee MRI, we have the Cortex region around the Femur 
> and Tibia, Then when I want to
> use Intensity Region Module , and I use the Intensity Region Filter, To 
> Achieve the boders of the Cortex of
> the Femur , I see From Exterior border of the Femur Cortex to Interior 
> Portion, There is this Intensity
> Distribution, From 120 t0 70 , then from 70 to 300 (From Middle of the 
> Cortex to Interior Border of the
> Bone) , and from 300 to 800 until the center region of the femur, Then I 
> don't know how to segment the
> Femur, with this Intensity filter, because if I put the More than 120 & 
> below the 800 , the software fill the
> whole body of the image, femur, cartilage and ..., then can you direct 
> me the Correct Method, May be I
> shoud use the Edge Detection, Please.
> Best Regards.
> Amir Hossein Saveh.
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