[Insight-users] Bug in ExtractImageFilter?

Elena Pavlovskaia Elena.Pavlovskaia at otismed.com
Wed Dec 10 15:56:33 EST 2008

Dear ITK developers,

I think that a bug was introduced to ExtractImageFilter in ITK 3.10

I was using ExtractImageFilter with ITK 3.6, and it worked fine. Since I switched to ITK 3.10 the same call to ExtractImageFilter thorows an exception "Bad direction, determinant is 0..." from ComputeIndexToPhysicalPointMatrices.

Here is the part of the code that leads to the exception:

        typedef  itk::Image<short, 2>                                                           Image2DType;
        typedef  itk::Image<short, 3>                                                           Image3DType;
        typedef ExtractImageFilter<Image3DType, Image2DType>             ExtractSliceFilter;

void ExtractSlice( const Image3DType* grayImage, int iSlice, ... )
        Image3DType::RegionType region = grayImage->GetBufferedRegion();
        Image3DType::RegionType::IndexType index = region.GetIndex();
        Image3DType::RegionType::SizeType size = region.GetSize();

                ExtractSliceFilter::Pointer sliceExtractor = ExtractSliceFilter::New();
                sliceExtractor->SetInput( grayImage );

                Image3DType::RegionType extractRegion;
                Image3DType::RegionType::IndexType extractIndex = index;
                Image3DType::RegionType::SizeType extractSize = size;

                extractIndex[0] = iSlice;
                extractSize[0] = 0;

                extractRegion.SetIndex( extractIndex );
                extractRegion.SetSize( extractSize );

                sliceExtractor->SetExtractionRegion( extractRegion );

The values by the moment of the last call (  sliceExtractor->Update() ) are:

index = (0, 0, 0)
size = (50, 512, 512)
iSlice = 25, and hence
extractIndex = (25, 0, 0),
extractSize = (0, 512, 512)

I put the following fix into
and it works for me:

Right after the line

          int nonZeroCount2 = 0;

// BUGFIX  ======================== BEGIN =======================
// BUGFIX I replaced this:
          for (unsigned int dim = 0; dim < OutputImageDimension; ++dim)
            if (m_ExtractionRegion.GetSize()[dim])
              outputDirection[nonZeroCount][nonZeroCount2] =
// BUGFIX with this:

           for (unsigned int dim = 0; dim < InputImageDimension; ++dim)
            if (m_ExtractionRegion.GetSize()[dim])
              outputDirection[nonZeroCount][nonZeroCount2] =
// BUGFIX ========================= END ========================

(Actually I replaced two words:
OutputImageDimension --> InputImageDimension and
nonZeroCount --> i



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