[Insight-users] Interactive Finite Difference

Brady McCary brady.mccary+ITK at gmail.com
Tue Dec 16 16:03:23 EST 2008


This is an ITK+VTK question.

What is the standard way to connect ITK+VTK to have an interactive
rendering/plotting of the solution to a FiniteDifferenceImageFilter
(or any sequence of images for that matter)? It seems there are at
least two ways:

Method 1:

1. Iterate a small number of steps with ITK.
2. Render the result with VTK.
3. Repeat.

Method 2:

1. Subclass the appropriate Filter and perform rendering in the
InitializeIteration function call.

Method 1 has the drawback that the state of the Filter has to be
copied back and forth or otherwise managed across invocations. Method
2 seems like a hack.

Please also note that the ``Getting Started with ITK + VTK''
presentation appears to be out of date because the code it presents
does not compile with recent versions of ITK and VTK (specifically,
the header itkImageToVTKImageFilter.h is no longer present).


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