[Insight-users] component trees

David Pastor david.pastor at die.upm.es
Mon Dec 22 12:35:55 EST 2008


After going in depth in both alternatives I've had to back off and use the component tree instead of the one implemented in the issue 203.

The reason is that it is not trivial to obtain a LabelObjet-based image (LabelMap or collection) from the output of the Attribute Opening Filter. That filter outputs an itk::image with flatzones of different levels which is hard to label.

However the component tree allows me to create a Binary or Label itk::Image which I can easily convert into a LabelMap and work with the LabelObjects.

I do the following

      myimagetoopen  -->  ImageToMaximumTreeFilter  ---> componentTree (sets full connectivity)
      componentTree   --> SizeComponentTreeFilter  ---> componentTree ??? I'm not sure about what this does...
      componentTree   --> AttributeFilteringComponentTreeFilter --> filteredTree (lambda = area in pixels)

**Which is the attribute type and filtering type I need to use for an area opening???

      filteredTree         --> ComponentTreeLeavesToBinaryImageFilter  --> binaryImage 

This image contains only the connected components with an area bigget than Lambda and then I obtain a collection of LabelObjects.

Does it sound correct?

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