[Insight-users] ConnectedThresholdImageFilter on one slice only ?

Maximilien Renard iixamaxii at gmail.com
Tue Dec 30 06:48:45 EST 2008

Hi there again,

Can't anybody please tell me how I can get this to work or what I'm
doing wrong, I've tried several times to read the doc and I
unfortunately still don't understand what I should do.

I would really appreciate any little help.

Thanks a lot,


P.S. Right before I wanted to send this e-mail, I've just noticed I
would have sent this e-mail (like the other one just here below) to
Luis Ibanez only. This was a mistake :)

2008/12/26 Maximilien Renard <iixamaxii at gmail.com>:
> Hi Luis,
> Thank you for your answer, I was actually using a self-made method
> that was using GetBufferPointer(). This method was called for each
> voxel of the image which is probably why it was slow.
> Now, I'm trying to use the ImagePasteFilter but I must say, I couldn't
> understand how it should be used. I've made following :
> SliceVolume.Fill3D(X, Y, 0, LowThreshold, HighThreshold,
> ReplacementValue); // Which then contains the image with the selected
> region filled
> typedef itk::PasteImageFilter< ITK3DImageType, ITK3DImageType,
> ITK3DImageType > ImageReplacementFilterType;
> ImageReplacementFilterType::Pointer ImageReplacementFilter =
> ImageReplacementFilterType::New();
> ImageReplacementFilter->SetInput(SliceVolume.GetITK3DImage());
> ImageReplacementFilter->SetSourceImage(SliceVolume.GetITK3DImage());
> ImageReplacementFilter->SetDestinationImage(GetITK3DImage());
> ImageReplacementFilter->SetDestinationIndex(start);
> ImageReplacementFilter->Update();
> If I try to use this, I'm getting this message :
> Qt has caught an exception thrown from an event handler. Throwing
> exceptions from an event handler is not supported in Qt. You must
> reimplement QApplication::notify() and catch all exceptions there.
> terminate called after throwing an instance of
> 'itk::InvalidRequestedRegionError'
>  what():  /home/ixm/InsightToolkit-3.8.0/Code/Common/itkDataObject.cxx:397:
> Requested region is (at least partially) outside the largest possible region.
> The program has unexpectedly finished.
> I've searched a little bit on the internet if I can found some example
> of the use of this filter but I didn't find anything (maybe I'm
> missing something that would make the doc cristal clear for me ?)
> Anyway I really appreciate your help,
> Thank you very much,
> Maximilien
> 2008/12/25 Luis Ibanez <luis.ibanez at kitware.com>:
>> Hi Maximilien,
>> The process you are describing seems to be a reasonable
>> way of doing this.
>> More specifically:
>>   1) Extract the slice with the
>>                    "ExtractImageFilter"
>>   2) Run the connectedThresholdImageFilter
>>      in 2D on the extracted slice
>>   3) Copy the slice back to the image, using the
>>              "PasteImageFilter"
>> I'm surprised to hear that the last part takes a lot of
>> time. It should take a couple of seconds at most.
>> Were you doing this by using ImageIterators ?
>> or were you using calls to SetPixel() and GetPixel() ?
>> Please give it a try to the PasteImageFilter
>> http://www.itk.org/Insight/Doxygen/html/classitk_1_1PasteImageFilter.html
>> and let us know if you still experience any problems.
>>    Regards,
>>        Luis
>> -------------------------
>> Maximilien Renard wrote:
>>> Hi there,
>>> I'm trying to use ConnectedThresholdImageFilter on one slice of an 3D
>>> Image only (the result should be the original image exactly the same
>>> except the specified slice where we put the seed).
>>> Now I'm extracting the slice into a new 3D Image where it is alone,
>>> then I apply the filter and finally I copy every voxel of the filtered
>>> image one by one into the original one. But that takes a lot of time
>>> (the last step is very long).
>>> Is there a better way to do that ? I'm new to ITK and I'm not
>>> acknowledged with ITK Doxygen documentation which is quite hermetic
>>> for me (I was used to read documentations such as the one of PHP or
>>> Qt).
>>> Thanks for your future help,
>>> Best regards and merry christmas,
>>> Maximilien Renard
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