[Insight-users] Problem in running MyProject.cxx in getting started II?

Nora Nora nora_droit at yahoo.fr
Tue Dec 30 08:58:45 EST 2008

Dear Andinet,
I got the error message posted in the last email when trying to run a new build. I have just repeated the building processus after deleting the first binary directory and copying the four files in source directory. Here is the error message wich  is the same :
I can't advance in my registration project without resolving this problem. May be the problem is in visual C++ version?As itkImageToVTKImageFilter.h is a part of itk applications and most applications are done in old vs versions??I'm using visual express 2008!! 
 Are threre any other way or other examples to connect ITK to VTK??
--- En date de : Mar 30.12.08, Andinet Enquobahrie <andinet.enqu at kitware.com> a écrit :

De: Andinet Enquobahrie <andinet.enqu at kitware.com>
Objet: Re: [Insight-users] Problem in running MyProject.cxx in getting started II?
À: nora_droit at yahoo.fr
Date: Mardi 30 Décembre 2008, 13h01


Start from a clean  build tree and try again...
> Thanks Andinet for response,
> I copied these four files in the source directory with MyProject.cxx, here
is the new error message I got :
>   2>..\Myproject-source\myProject.cxx(10) : error C2065:
'Imagetype' : identificateur non déclaré
> 2>..\Myproject-source\myProject.cxx(13) : error C2955:
'itk::ImageFileReader' : l'utilisation d'une classe modèle
requiert une liste d'arguments modèle
> 2> c:\program
files\insighttoolkit-3.10.0\code\io\itkImageFileReader.h(93) :
voir la déclaration de 'itk::ImageFileReader'
> 2>..\Myproject-source\myProject.cxx(13) : error C2653:
'readertype' : n'est pas un nom de classe ni d'espace de noms
> 2>..\Myproject-source\myProject.cxx(13) : error C3861:
'New' : identificateur introuvable
> 2>..\Myproject-source\myProject.cxx(13) : error C2514:
: la classe n'a aucun constructeur
> 2>..\Myproject-source\myProject.cxx(16) : error C2678:
'->' binaire : aucun opérateur trouvé qui accepte un opérande de
partie gauche de type
(ou il n'existe pas de conversion acceptable)
> 2> c:\program
peut être 'TObjectType *itk::SmartPointer<TObjectType>::operator
->(void) const'
> 2> lors de la tentative de mise en correspondance de la liste des
> 2>..\Myproject-source\myProject.cxx(16) : error C2039:
'setFilename' : n'est pas membre de
> 2>..\Myproject-source\myProject.cxx(17) : error C2678:
'->' binaire : aucun opérateur trouvé qui accepte un opérande de
partie gauche de type
(ou il n'existe pas de conversion acceptable)
> 2> c:\program
peut être 'TObjectType *itk::SmartPointer<TObjectType>::operator
->(void) const'
> 2> lors de la tentative de mise en correspondance de la liste des
> 2>..\Myproject-source\myProject.cxx(17) : error C2039:
'GetOutput' : n'est pas membre de
> 2>Le journal de génération a été enregistré à l'emplacement
"file://c:\Documents and
> 2>myProject - 9 erreur(s), 0 avertissement(s)
> Is the problem in including Lib or in adding namespace?
>  I will appreciate you help,
>  Nora
> --- En date de : *Lun 29.12.08, Andinet Enquobahrie
/<andinet.enqu at kitware.com>/* a écrit :
>     De: Andinet Enquobahrie <andinet.enqu at kitware.com>
>     Objet: Re: [Insight-users] Problem in running MyProject.cxx in
>     getting started II?
>     À: nora_droit at yahoo.fr
>     Date: Lundi 29 Décembre 2008, 22h14
>     Nora-
>     Copy those files into your Project source directory ( where you
>     have MyProject.cxx ) NOT to your binary directory.
>     On Mon, Dec 29, 2008 at 5:04 PM, Nora Nora <nora_droit at yahoo.fr
>     <mailto:nora_droit at yahoo.fr>> wrote:
>                  Hi all ITK users,
>                  I tried to run MyProject.cxx  following instructions in
>         getting started II. Here are MyProjct.cxx and CmakeLists.txt
>         files :
>                  PROJECT( myProject )
>          FIND_PACKAGE ( ITK )
>           IF ( ITK_FOUND )
>              INCLUDE( ${USE_ITK_FILE} )
>         ENDIF( ITK_FOUND )
>          FIND_PACKAGE ( VTK )
>           IF ( VTK_FOUND )
>             INCLUDE( ${USE_VTK_FILE} )
>          ENDIF( VTK_FOUND )
>          INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES( ${myProject_SOURCE_DIR})
>          ADD_EXECUTABLE( myProject myProject.cxx )
>          TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES ( myProject
>          ITKBasicFilters ITKCommon ITKIO
>          vtkRendering vtkGraphics vtkHybrid
>          vtkImaging vtkIO vtkFiltering vtkCommon
>         )
>         #include "itkImage.h"
>         #include "itkImageFileReader.h"
>         #include "itkImageToVTKImageFilter.h"
>         #include "vtkImageViewer.h"
>         #include "vtkRenderWindowInteractor.h"
>         int main( int argc, char **argv) {
>         typedef itk::Image<unsigned short,2> ImageType;
>         typedef itk::ImageFileReader<Imagetype> ReaderType;
>         typedef itk::ImageToVTKImageFilter<ImageType> ConnectorType;
>         ReaderType::Pointer reader = readertype::New();
>         ConnectorType::Pointer connector = ConnectorType::New();
>         reader->setFilename( argv[1] );
>         connector->SetInput( reader->GetOutput() );
>         vtkImageViewer * viewer = vtkImageViewer::New();
>         vtkRenderWindowInteractor * renderWindowInteractor =
>         vtkRenderWindowInteractor::New();
>         viewer->SetupInteractor( renderWindowInteractor );
>         viewer->SetInput( connector->GetOutput() );
>         viewer->Render();
>         viewer->SetColorWindow( 255 );
>         viewer->SetColorLevel( 128 );
>         renderWindowInteractor->Start();
>         return 0;
>         }
>         I have successively built it, but in running this error
>         message is chown :
>                  Myproject-source\myProject.cxx(3) : fatal error
>         Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier include :
>         'itkImageToVTKImageFilter.h' : No such file or directory
>          I have red the response of Luis in OSdir forum to such
>         problem that is as followed :
>                  The files that you need are in
InsightApplications/Auxiliary/vtk :
>         itkImageToVTKImageFilter.h
>         itkImageToVTKImageFilter.txx
>         itkVTKImageToImageFilter.h
>         itkVTKImageToImageFilter.txx
>         Copy these files into the directory where you are putting the
>         code of your example.
>                  So I copied these files in the generated binary directory
>         myProject.dsw.
>                  But I stiil have the same error message??
>                  Can someone help me??
>                  Are there other examples on how connect ITK to VTK?
>                  Thanks,
>         Nora 
>         _______________________________________________
>         Insight-users mailing list
>         Insight-users at itk.org <mailto:Insight-users at itk..org>
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-- ==========================================================
Andinet A. Enquobahrie, PhD
R&D Engineer
Kitware Inc.

28 Corporate Drive
Clifton Park, NY 12065-8662
Phone: 518-371-3971 x124

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