[Insight-users] Inconsistent results across different platforms.

shay ohayon shay.ohayon at gmail.com
Wed Jan 2 01:33:19 EST 2008


I am using the SNAPLevelSetDriver3d (Taken from version 3.2.0) class wrapper
to segment something in 3D.
I encountered a weird problem in which the same executable (compiled using
VS8) gives different results across different platforms.
In one computer (Dual Core, Win Xp 64 ) the segmentation seems to work as it
should, but when I execute the same binary
on a different machine (Quad Core, Vista ), the segmentation is partial
(like only several iterations were executed).
I tried to increase the number of iterations, but it did not do anything and
segmentation result was again only partial.

Any ideas?


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