[Insight-users] about Region Growing

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Mon Jan 21 12:29:10 EST 2008

Hi Tuo,

You probably meant the


and not the


There are multiple ways of doing using the original
values instead of the replace value.

Here are some options:

a) run the filter as usual, and then
   connect the output of this filter,
   and the original images to the
   MaskImageFilter.  The output will
   have the original values on the
   region, and zeros elsewhere.


b) Modify the code of the file


   in lines 269: replace



      it.Set( inputImage->GetPixel( it.GetIndex() ) );

Depending on the size of the region you are segmenting,
method (a) may actually run faster than method (b) and
it has the advantage that you don't need to modify the
source code of ITK.

Although,... what's the fun of using Open Source code
if you don't change the code from time to time   :-)



tuo zhang wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there a way to SetReplaceValue as the original
> pixel value when using
> vtkConnectedThresholdImageFilter?
> Thank you 
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