[Insight-users] ResampleImageFilter Problem!

Yingli Lu yinglilu at gmail.com
Wed Jan 23 16:28:23 EST 2008

Can anybody help me with this problem:

I just ran the example of "Examples/Filtering/ResampleImageFilter.cxx" at
section 6.9.4 in the Userguide

But I can't get the same result of Figure 6.40  in the Userguide (where, the
origin is at the lower left corner of the input image, and X coordinate is
horizontal to the right, Y coordinate is vertical to the up direction).

My result seems to be based on a different coordinate: the origin is at the
upper left corner, and X coordinate is horizontal to the right, Y coordinate
is vertical to the down direction).

Example code is wrong or Userguide is wrong?

Thank you,

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