[Insight-users] itkSoftwareGuide - levelsets example: a mistake?

Moti Freiman freiman at cs.huji.ac.il
Sun Jan 27 00:20:33 EST 2008


I tried to run the example in:
on a 3d image.
According to the itkSoftwareGuide (pp 564, 2.4 version): "In a binary
image, for example, the isosurface is found midway between the
and background values."
But almost nothing was happened.
When I changed the iso-surface value to 0 (my background value). It works well.
I also found that for the threshold levelset image filter example, the
guide said to set the iso-surface value to 0 (pp 557, 2.4 edition)

I got confused.
Any explanation?


Moti Freiman, Ph.D Student.
Medical Image Processing and Computer-Assisted Surgery Laboratory.
School of Computer Science and Engineering.
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Givat Ram, Jerusalem 91904, Israel
Phone: +(972)-2-658-5371 (laboratory)
WWW site: http://www.cs.huji.ac.il/~freiman

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