[Insight-users] library lITKcommon not found

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Tue Jul 1 18:43:55 EDT 2008

Hi Brice,

1) What version of GCC are you running in this machine ?

2) Have you tried building ITK outside of xcode ?
    (e.g. by using the Makefile CMake generator)

3) Please post to the list the exact error messages
    that you get.

Please let us know,



Brice Thurin wrote:
> Good morning,
> I tried to install ITK3.6 on MacBook Pro running MacOS 10.5 with xcode 3.0.
> I followed the instruction of the guide for configuring CMake2.6 and 
> installing ITK everything run smoothly.
> However when it tried to build the xcode project generated for ITK 
> (ITK.xcodeproj) , i end up with 10 errors:
> all of them coming from
> vnl_matlab_read and vnl_matlab_write : (for example)
> variable or field "rows" declared void
> all the errors are of this kind.
> Any help would be very appreciated
> Regards
> Brice
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